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  1. H

    Can i ask a favor of you all please?

    So i scroll through my news feed on facebook, and come across a baby being chocked ( ) i've tried to report it to facebook stating of a graphic violence, and after waiting 2 hours, they...
  2. H

    Prometheus BluRay Content on DVD?

    I'm a big Prometheus fan (critics turn away now), and so am looking forward to the DVD release. The BluRay of course has a ton of extra content. Problem is I don't have a BluRay player, so will make do with the DVD. Does all the content on the BluRay feature on the DVD? If not, is there any...
  3. H

    how to boot from dvd drive? windows xp?

    I'm going to install windows 7. The img is on a dvd disc and loaded in the dvd drive. This computer isn't an all in one drive for media. How do I boot from the dvd drive only?
  4. H

    how to keep raccoons and opossums away from my chickens?

    We just lost 3 chickens from either a raccoon or an opossum. It had to be a small critter because no holes in fence, on ground under fence or roof of coop. It was low to the ground when I seen it from the house.
  5. H

    1994 Chevy Silverado Cruise Control?

    The cruise control can be set but after about 15-20 seconds it turns off. I have had problems before with the cruise control not working at all but then sometimes it works just fine.
  6. H

    Help with an old celtic movie called?

    I don't remember much but I think you'll be able to tell with the information I give you. It's an old celtic themed movie and centered around magic. Not too old but definitely not new. I'd say around 1999 or so. All I remember is that this young warrior was in like a competition with others and...
  7. H

    what laptop should i buy and i want wireless internet so what wireless...

    ...internet thing should i buy? i really have no clue on how to get and everything and what to get
  8. H

    In California can I sell raffle tickets for the public to have an opportunity to...

    ..."win" my boat? This would be as a "fundraiser" for myself to clear some debt. Any other ideas for offloading an $80,000 boat?
  9. H

    How do I install a 230-volt appliance in my home where every receptacle is...

    ...110-Volt? Can I get a 230 adapter? This is to install a window-mount air conditioner I purchased from a popular home improvement store. What constitutes 230 volt wiring, and can I make the conversion easily?