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  1. J

    Hey I got a new style. Lmao. Tell me what you think- tae-po. TaeKwonDo and Kempo

    That does seem the trend these days. Take 2 martial arts, water them down until they are unrecognizable and nearly useless, mix them together (sort of), give them a name (fancy or silly), and you are good to go.
  2. J

    TMA vs MMA? More correctly, combat sports vs non combat sports?

    actually for sports I do prefer non-fighting sports. Baseball is a favourite. And since you seen to have a knot, I will explain another thing that shouldn't need explaining. You are comparing trains and plains. We never ever said TMA was better, we said it is different, and you wouldn't be...
  3. J

    Im 14 turning 15 and i want to take karate?

    Why would it matter to you? Unless the adult class trains more often. Still, to answer you, the only way for you to know is to talk to the teacher involved. Only they can tell you their policy for adult and kids classes.
  4. J

    What's martial arts like?

    When you decide to begin training in martial art you have some questions you have to answer for yourself. Are you looking for a sport to play, an art to dedicate a lifetime to, or a quick fix method of self defence? Some combination of that perhaps? Most of us are, or were all three at times...
  5. J

    I'm getting very discouraged in karate, I don't know what to do?

    I strongly agree with pugpaws2. The dojo is a place of respect, not just fpor the teachers and higher ranks, respect is for everybody. I second the motion to show this post to your instructor. As stated, if he/she is a good instructor a good solution can be found. If he can't find such a...
  6. J

    Which martial arts are not theatrical?

    No martial art is theatrical. Martial art is about protecting yourself and others, and remaining safe. So I agree with Frank, you don't have respect (no bow), and you are not interested in effective fighting, so try boxing.
  7. J

    can you play psp / minis games with ps vita touchscreen ?

    Like the title suggest can you play psp titles or mini titles with ps vita touchscreen ? eg : selecting menu etc
  8. J

    Tang Soo Do or Kempo Karate?

    These are good styles, though "kenpo karate" covers a lot of styles. Your best bet is to check them both out personally and decide from there. Take their free classes if they offer one, and you should be able to make a better decision than we can from here.
  9. J

    Why is karate for defense only when they teach you punching and stuff?

    Protecting yourself or your family is no felony. You are not only allowed, but encouraged to protect yourself with enough force to end the threat. Not more. The idea that you must stand and allow someone to attack you is ridiculous. Learning karate is like owning a gun. You have at your...
  10. J

    can I still learn "real" karate or kempo?

    You are in luck. There indeed exist real dojo that do not water it down to sport. All karate teaches what you seek. The retraction of the hand to the side or hip (slightly different ryu) are not about "posing", or "chambering", what ever that is. This represents a grapple, drawing the...
  11. J


    You have had a very common experience. MMA is a great sport, and they work very hard at their sport. However, they do not teach a LOT of things classical shotokan does teach. Those guys just did things you are not used to having done. For the sport os MMA, many of the most effective things...
  12. J

    Ive realized that people who like GSP, Anderson Silva, and Brock Lesnar

    Do you have some question about anything? This is a just a rant. And (excuse me Frank) There's one thing for sure, this has nothing to do with martial arts.
  13. J

    question about karate and taekwondo belts?

    Belts were introduced to determine the levels of competition between intermediate students in judo's sporting environment. They serve the same purpose for other sporting arts. For protection training the belts are of less value to both teachers and students alike. Sport is about fair...
  14. J

    A complimentary martial art to Shotokan Karate?

    2nd kyu brown belt has no need to "broaden horizons", other than to continue to learn your chosen art. Shotokan is a complete martial art, and you only need good instruction to accomplish what you need. There3 is a lot to your art you have not even witnessed yet, never mind learnt to do...
  15. J

    Can I do karate if...?

    Yes you can.
  16. J

    Which martial art is more effective for high school students? Muay Thai,

    sorry to inform you, but it is you that make the art special, not a special art. Any martial art is no better or worse than the person doing it. And martial arts are not to fight kids at school. Martial art is very hard and demanding to learn. If you want to be 'special' you will just have...
  17. J

    Is Shotokan Karate a good martial arts to learn?

    It is excellent for protection. tedhyu gave a great answer, you must be committed to any martial art, shotokan is no different. And you have to have a good instructor. If you have that combination of a good teacher, and total commitment, you will do very well.
  18. J

    What exactly is LINEAGE when referring to martial arts?

    It is from whence the art has come, the history of what you are learning. Example, I can trace back through my shotokan instructors, and those who taught them, ending at Funakoshi Sensei. But Funakoshi Sensei has a history too, not shotokan, so I can trace influences in shotokan much farther...
  19. J

    What is the best body type for Ba Gua Zhang martial arts?

    2 arms, 2 legs, 1 head and 1 torso.
  20. J

    for martial arts instructors!?

    Give them a choice. Offer to make up the lessons + bonus a bit of time, or refund. Most will take the lessons, so you end up with the money, those that don't, do not argue with them about it just reimburse them.