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  1. C

    Pausing a bittorrent download?

    Of course, as long as your computer is connected to the internet
  2. C

    Am I the only Satanic Christian?

    Hey, you can worship whatever you want, I'm atheist so I don't care. I was in the military with a guy who did worship satan, he was a normal, decent guy...
  3. C

    Why do religious people think that other religions wrong?

    It's quite hypocritical to think so, as all religions are founded on belief and faith, and not on hard evidence...
  4. C

    What is the current war on terror about?

    The expression "war on terror" died with Bush's retirement
  5. C

    Is it easy to spot Saturn with the naked eye?

    And where should I look?
  6. C

    how to open an xls file?

    Those are Excel files
  7. C

    how to open an xls file?

    Those are Excel files
  8. C

    how to open an xls file?

    Those are Excel files
  9. C

    How much do you pay for your internet connection, and what is your connection speed?

    I pay the equivalent of $50 for internet/phone/TV. The connection speed is 30GB
  10. C

    can i get a blu ray player that also plays divx?

    The Panasonic DMP-BD30K does play blu-ray and is divx compliant
  11. C

    What car do you drive, and how many do you have?

    My wife drives a 05 Dodge Neon I drive a Seat Leon TDI
  12. C

    Will a video recorded in USA ?

    They will need an NTSC video tape player, the power has nothing to do with it Most are standard NTSC now though
  13. C

    Do you like your hot chocolate with milk or water?

    I like it with milk, much better taste. I had to come to the US to find out that some people were drinking their hot cocoa with water...
  14. C

    is it normal to get the runs when eating healthy?

    You might need some more fibers in you
  15. C

    can you see the satellite?

    Well, the moon is the natural satellite of the earth, so it's visible to the naked eye Now, if you're talking about artificial satellites (man made satellites), then yes, you can see some, from time to time, and yes, they do reflect the sun light
  16. C

    Which main religion was there before judaism?

    No Mark, I'm an atheist, but good try
  17. C

    Why is it politically incorrect to tell someone that he/she is obese?

    Being obese (in most cases) is something that you do to yourself, and that you can overcome, so why is it so taboo to talk about it? I'm talking about obesity, not having an extra few pounds. Huntyr, I wasn't taking about people like you
  18. C

    Is it really that bad to give out your address on the internet?

    They are freebies, don't expect to get to you soon
  19. C

    How Do You Classify A BMW ?

    Oh, like for example 325i 3 is the serie, serie 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 etc Then the 25 is for the engine 2.5L engine, and the i stand for "Injection"
  20. C

    Engine light came on on my 2005 dodge neon, what could it be?

    My wife said that the car was stalling when she was going past 30mph, the car was cold. I, then, took it to try it, the engine light was on, but nothing happened. What can it be?