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  1. J

    Do you see gadgets advertised on TV that you would actually like to have?

    I bought a dehydrator from TV years ago and have made lots of venison jerky.
  2. J

    Where was the last place you went on vacation?

    Spent two weeks in Alaska in August.
  3. J

    I want to argue with Bears Fans!!!!!!!!!?

    It's over and time to get over it. Go Packers
  4. J

    Does your partner have a since of humor?

    Yes but sometimes her mother comes out
  5. J

    Is Conservative Michelle Bachmann's "Armed and Dangerous" Rant Prompting...

    She ought to be taken out and spanked in public. Right wing nut job.
  6. J

    Which celeb has the best body? SURVEY!?

    Scarlett, don't know the guys.
  7. J

    How was your christmas with the family?

    My son in law and I went to the Benjamin Button movie and left the others at home.
  8. J

    Neocons, why do you complain about taxes but didn't complain about Bush's spending?

    Makes you wonder where the fiscal conservatives are doesn't it. Aren't the Republicans the party of small government and controlled spending? It is probably Jimmy Carter's or Bill Clinton's fault.
  9. J

    Question about marijuana???

    You do not get hallucinations from smoking root. That is your imagination playing tricks on you. Go drink a twelve pack of Pabst and tell me what you see. The biggest problem you will get from weed is wanting to raid your pantry and eat everything in sight.
  10. J

    How young is too young for a child to have a cell phone?

    I'm 52 and I don't have one. I really don't think there is a need except for emergencies.