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  1. J

    Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, does it seem to you that probably your

    Yes, the times in my life when I have strayed away from God were times of trouble in my life. When I tried to do things my way instead of His were the times I failed, my way lead to pain and suffering. Drawing closer to God always lead me to peace and rest. Sometimes we want to do our way but...
  2. J

    I need proof that the United States is a Christian Country...?

    "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Jay In a letter to John Murray 10/12/1816...
  3. J

    Using America for an example (it may happen else where).Why does

    Because the people who founded this country came here to be able to have religious freedoms. Library of Congress Website IV. Religion and the Congress of the Confederation, 1774-89 The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that...
  4. J

    Are atheists so focused upon overturning religion that they risk

    Most of them are unaware that they grew up in a society where the Christian faith has had a great influence on society. They will say that morals come from humans, but in societies where their is no religious influence, many think it is quite moral to feast on other humans. They refuse to see...
  5. J

    why do we have to suffer because of religion?

    If you are suffering maybe you should try Jesus. Many studies show that people of faith live happier more satisfied lives than those who do not have a faith. They also live longer too. An extensive survey by The Associated Press and MTV found that people...
  6. J

    Why do (The majority of) Christians feel compelled to push their religion on others.?

    Christ told us to preach the good news to all nations. It is part of what Christ told us to do. When someone gets to know God and have a relationship with him their life's change for the better. People get excited about the peace, love, and joy they experience in life and want to share that with...
  7. J

    Why do (The majority of) Christians feel compelled to push their religion on others.?

    Christ told us to preach the good news to all nations. It is part of what Christ told us to do. When someone gets to know God and have a relationship with him their life's change for the better. People get excited about the peace, love, and joy they experience in life and want to share that with...