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  1. S

    I have a great idea for a Blackberry App, what do i do from here to sell it or

    develop it? I have a great idea for a Blackberry App, what do i do from here to sell it or develop it?
  2. S

    Do you know that a south Indian prince named Bodhidharma laid the

    foundation for Chinese kungfu? Bodhidharma reached china and taught Chinese people this martial art.....
  3. S

    Republican elected representatives and Governors set to Give WE THE PEOPLE...

    ...JUST what we deserve? Are you ready to watch everything the average working person who is struggling just to stay afloat from schools, to fire, police, schools, and all the things the filthy rich and big businesses HAVE and will continue to have be curtailed and eliminated as you watch the...
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    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
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    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
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    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  7. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
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    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
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    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
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    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
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    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  12. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  13. S

    how do I open a torrent?

    a torrent file
  14. S

    Don't you think there are more possibilities that Judaism and Islam are the truth?

    Judaism,Islam and Christianity are all Based on holy books Judaism = Old Testament Christianity = Old Testament + New Testament (including the bits about Jesus) Islam = Old Testament + New Testament + (including the parts about Muhammad) They stem from the same set of books, with some...
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    Interesting Factual Topics?

    Sealand Josef Pujol
  16. S

    Did Obama Really Order 22'' Rims For The Presidential Limo?

    Nah nigga there more like 26's and yeah our president is hip.
  17. S

    What religion do you belong to?

    Christan and proud of it.
  18. S

    Is it okay to trip people and laugh out loud?

    I'm a good boy so don't be so harsh. I wasn't serious, sometimes I pretend like I'm going to trip some of my friends but never do. They just give me a funny look and I lol.
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    I wanna learn more about my religion.?

    After it is all said and're going to hell, ha haha hhahaha.
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    does anyone believe me when I say I herd the Fifth trumpet of God sound?

    Talk like that will get you sent away to a padded cell. But fortunately I disagree with this remedy to your insane claims. You might be on to something here right it down six months later you might have a better story to tell.