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  1. E

    Why does FOX rant about Union monies being used to BEAT fascist issue 2 in Ohio,

    Fox is a slanted and biased news source, as is obvious to anyone with at least half a brain.
  2. E

    Why do atheist keep laughing at me for eating lunch in school with my

    You worship a false Idol!!! The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the ONE TRUE FAITH!!!!!! See
  3. E

    Athiest please stop asking questions about religions.?

    Er, if you don't want atheists to post on this forum, why do you ask questions of them?
  4. E

    What do Nostradamus' writings speak of after the 2012 premonitions?

    Nothing. I've studied his writings, and there's nothing there.
  5. E

    how come i am looked at as a bad person for not being a christian?

    Go your own way, take care, and do not allow anyone to discourage you. If these people had any ounce of compassion in their souls they would accept you regardless.
  6. E

    Question for Liberals who keep complaining about the war in Iraq?

    They are both about protecting the interests of the US and her allies: control of the world's oil markets. Without oil, the West would collapse, and the last thing the world's last superpower and the coalition want is for the Islamic nations to be in a position to bargain.
  7. E

    im paranoid about aliens? not a joke!?

    If there is intelligent life on other planets, they will be millions of light years away, so I doubt if they would ever visit the Earth.
  8. E

    Why don't people check out health care rumors on

    Or for an independent version see and You'll find the facts are much closer to the whitehouse version.
  9. E

    Why don't people check out health care rumors on

    Or for an independent version see and You'll find the facts are much closer to the whitehouse version.
  10. E

    Simple question: What's your religion?

    I don't have one, at least I don't conform to any orthodox belief system. Happy Solstice.
  11. E

    Okay, we're on a roll...when will Obama fire Chrysler CEO and all-around SOB

    I hope so. I also hope he breaks up some of these "too big to fail" banks.
  12. E

    Any rumors of ancient treasure hidden anywhere on earth?

    Yes! There is a secret hoard of treasure at... oh... er... well... um, if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it? LOL
  13. E

    I am 100% sure that in the future human life will become extinct from this earth?

    I think humans will re-evolve over time, i.e. millions of years. Let's hope what comes after makes less of a mess of the planet than homo sapiens.
  14. E

    Politic spin:Dick Cheney admits he helped make terrorism stronger now fears

    Cheney is Evil. I'd say that Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were the best recruiting tools the terrorists ever had. Launching a war on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda was a stupid waste of blood and resources that allowed the terrorists to regroup in Afghanistan and Pakistan...
  15. E

    What is the most significant challenge in global politics?

    Nuclear proliferation Global warming Intolerance take your pick
  16. E

    Reality TV, talentless talent shows,tabloid press.Celebrity culture(Oxymoron)...

    Nope, I don't wish death for anyone. I think it's wiser to make the world a better place. I don't like "Survivor" or "Big Brother" but I enjoy "Mythbusters" and "The Amazing Race." Not all reality TV is alike. Are you opposed to professional sports as entertainment? Isn't that a form of...
  17. E

    Most people complain about the economy and Bush, did it ever come to mind that...?

    Did it ever come to mind that BOTH candidates, McCain and Obama, are calling for more regulation of financial markets? And did it ever come to mind that McCain and his party have spent the last 30 years tearing down financial...
  18. E

    Is Lying About your Record and the Record of your Opponent, No Longer a

    In the short term it's a virtue. That's why Sarah Palin is so popular right now. For example, Palin claims to be a tax cutter, but she raised taxes on oil companies and raised an extra $1.2 billion which she distributed as a form of welfare. She claims to be against earmarks, but the truth is...
  19. E

    Atheists, agnostics, non believers of religion and spirituality do you ever……….?

    I'm agnostic, but wasn't always so. I was born into a Catholic family and raised as a Catholic. I believed in God and what the Catholic religion teaches, mainly because I was a child and generally accepted what grown-ups told me. Some people never lose the faith but I lost it during my...