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  1. I

    cingular t-mobil Question on compatibility?????????

    k so about to buy an unlocked phone on ebay a t-mobil sidekick and i'm with at&t and just wanted to know if it would work????
  2. I

    Is the lg vx9400 phone compatible with cingular?

    like can i use my sim card from cingular i know it is verizon but can i?
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    how do I go from being 160lbs to 115lbs?

    Here's my facts!!!!! I'm 15 5'3" weigh 160 and in need of a serious diet plan!!!!!!! I have a wedding to go to August 7th 2008 and would like to look good in a spaggetti straped dress! I know I cant get to my goal by then but if you could give me a plan and maybe what I'd weigh by then...