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  1. R

    i want to download precious (film) without torrent and in good quality?

    the better quality is when its free lol hey man the link you gave me was in spanish lol
  2. R

    What is the cheapest cell phone plan with unlimited talk/text?

    i have virgin mobile i have 300 anytime, and unlimited text and web for 25 a month or u can pay 40 a month for unlimted text and web with1200 anytime min. unlimited talk text and web is 69 a month.
  3. R

    how long do you need to hold you permit to get a license in VA?

    I know its 6 months in some states, but i heard 9 from someone and 12 from another
  4. R

    toyota 2r engine tappets & valves settings all data.?

    tappet settings EX& inlet valves toyota 2r engine
  5. R

    Have you noticed that a lot of people in P&S lack a sense of humor?

    Chronic masterbation make one cranky...GODAMMIT. Would you just STFU with all the questions. :)
  6. R

    Name of Song - 2009 Telus commercial with a meerkat sliding different ap words...

    ...into a big word.? Its the one where the meerkat slips the words into one big word what is the name of the song on that commercial????? All types of Blackberries are advertised.
  7. R

    Whats the emergency phone number where you live?

    In the USA it is 911.
  8. R

    what is the ultimate internet revenge?

    if someone is harassing you on the internet and really really saying the nastiest possible things...what would ou do? info:you know this person this person uses facebook and bebo this person is leaving you nasty emails and trying to destroy your reputation among friends by spreading lies about...
  9. R

    i bought a piece of land is it safe to have only deed of sale document without...

    no it is best to have the real title
  10. R

    why do athletes get the blame and scrutiny while celebs don't ?

    Celebs are not looked up to by little kids as much as Athletes.
  11. R

    why do athletes get the blame and scrutiny while celebs don't ?

    Celebs are not looked up to by little kids as much as Athletes.
  12. R

    How do i fix my q key on my laptop?

    It fell off. I have tried to snap it back into place but it just isnt working, and the little rubber piece came off too.. Does anyone know what i should do to fix it without having to take it somewhere to get it fixed. My warrenty has ran out.
  13. R

    which is better sonicview or viewsat? which do you recommend?

    feel free to leave any comments
  14. R

    How many warheads were on that Satellite Iran launched today?

    Terranam Any are too many . Just like guns! Where are all the weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION coming from & w3ho is aiming them!. Terranam Any are too many . Just like guns! Where are all the weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION coming from & who is aiming them!. Do you really trust anybody to do antything...
  15. R

    2001 jetta clutch problems?

    think my clutch went out not sure, driving and when i shift the rpm slow to move and dose not get any went out and engine still Reeves but no movement even in gear. is it my clutch or tran...
  16. R

    is there anyway to get photos from a ( VHS ) video tape?

    i"ve got several old tapes i want to try and save some of the pictures before the video goes bad
  17. R

    What is the strongest bomb & handheld weapon in the World?

    The baby bomb! another whiner demanding ! The most lethal Twins!
  18. R

    How to Replace Heater Core in 1995 540i BMW?

    Heater is leaking coolant inside car ,Could be hose connection
  19. R

    what do i do if a ps3 breaks without a warranty/reciept?

    yea so my cuz is giving me his used 40gb ps3 and was wondering if it had ever break? can i turn it into Sony but be charged for some moeny? if so how much money??