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  1. S

    Can some tell me what religion this is from?

    Desiderata 2 - Gnostic.
  2. S

    Another term for in the name of Jesus Christ Amen?

    Say Nema instead of amen. Kind of a nice Satanic twist to the whole thing.
  3. S

    What are some AWESOME christian worship songs?

    Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden Darkness of Christ - Slayer Touch of Evil - Judas Priest Twist of Cain - Danzig Am I Demon - Danzig Pleasureman - Gunther There ya go - All can be found on YouTube! Nema
  4. S

    Trivia...can u guess torah, bible or quran?

    Its from the Verse of the Throne.
  5. S

    A Christian planet: Paradise or Hell on earth?

    Hell on Earth........or a very boring place.
  6. S

    What is the name of the religion for worshiping Dragons?

    Wicca or paganism in general. Dragons are evoked in many spells or as guardians of the Quarter. Aryis - East Fafnir - South Naylon - West Grale or Grail - North
  7. S

    Do you think Barack Obama is the Anti christ......he has six letters in his

    Ronald Wilson Reagan Interesting - 6 letters in each name 6-6-6 And he was shot but didn't die. Was elected in a year ending with a zero which most presidents who were died in office. He believed in astrology. Sounds like the anti-christ to me.
  8. S

    What was your first "pro" photos sale?

    Just curious to know if you remember your first professional sale. My first one was a picture of a DJ that I was doing photos of for a college class. The radio station manage looked at the photos and bought one to use on their billboard. I got $5.00 for a 4x5 grainy black and white print...
  9. S

    Which squeaky-clean young Hollywood Starlet will have some nude photos or a

    Gotta go with the rest - Hillary Duff though Raven Simone would be interesting.
  10. S

    Do jews have any moral laws for their religion?

    What about the "christian" teens who do as well? I know plenty of christian adults who do as well.
  11. S

    What religion is this?

    Southern Pentecostal. Not all but some still do.