Search results

  1. N

    how to burn a .iso file to dvd+r?

    You can torrent poweriso by searching for it at, just download utorrent first so that you can download using it, you can register it to get the full version free
  2. N

    does bittorrent harm router?

    Hello, ive gone through heaps of routers over the year and am wondering is constant 24/7 bittorrent traffic at maximum internet speed possible bad for them, with up to like 800 to 900 connections to peers all the time. cause right now my current router has lasted 1 year and a half and now...
  3. N

    Burn video files to dvd on mac?

    hello, i have some video files .mp4 and .avi that i wanna burn to a dvd so its playable in a dvd player. i have mac so does anyone know of any programs, free or paid but preferably free if possible that will do this. i only wanna burn one video to one dvd not multiple to a dvd. Thanks
  4. N

    Can i get partnered with youtube if i do iphone walkthroughs with commentary?

    Im not sure if u can only get monetized.
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    The ultimate survey to end it all ! Coke or Pepsi? Kmart or Walmart? 7up or Sprite?

    pepsi walmart 7up Y/A spiderman gi goes
  6. N

    LGBT ... survey time?

    A.tea B. Maybe lol C. Idk what that means D. If i had a facebook i would E. You are for me jk F. I dont have stairs G. City boy but i live in the country H. No lol I. God i hope not J. Nope
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    Maserati engine problem?

    You have a maserati. Can i go for a ride with you :)
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    What is the difference between Mass Market Paperback and Paperback?

    I want to buy a book from Barnes and Noble online. I see that it gives me options of if I either want Mass Market Paperback or Paperback. I'm not sure what is the difference between those two. What's the difference? Which one should I get?
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    Can a lesbian women and a gay man fall in love?

    Well your lesbian and he is gay. I don't really think it will work out.
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    I think I'm a lesbian? What do you think?

    PLEASE don't repost.
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    How should i start planning a gay?

    I don't know much about weddings but I think it needs to have a nice outlining with some zing and paz! A nice dress/tux and having a great location. A place where they didn't ban it yet.
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    LGBT: My life doesn't have a narrow future...?

    My life really sucks. I have no friends. My family doesn't support me. And my education sucks shit. The teachers at my school have jobs but they change them to making fun of you. I only have a few friends but I don't have any close friends. And my family not only doesn't support me but they...
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    Since when are rainbows considered as something that gays like???!!!?

    Dunno...But people try to FORCE me to wear that crap. I only wear black....
  14. N

    Anyone know the best provider for office multi-function copier purchase/...

    ...service plans? I am trying to analyze if it its more cost effective to have a service plan versus purchasing the toner from Staples. thanks
  15. N

    I deleted my internet explorer 7 on vista. How do I get it back?

    I searched it in the start menu and it couldn't find it. I also searched in google desktop and that didn't work. But it's still installed on my computer. Please Help.