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  1. C

    What formats for ringtones does the casio ravine support?

    So, I'm switching phones to a Casio Ravine and I have a problem: I know the phone supports mp3 files for ringtones, but it doesn't seem to like all of the ones I'm attempting to put on it (all of which worked fine with my cosmos touch). Out of around 10 ringtones attempted, it accepted three of...
  2. C

    changing the background on the iPhone 3gs?

    I have updated my iPhone 3gs and I want to change the background on the home screen but it still wont give me the option to do so. I am running version 4.2.1... I have done everything I have found to read on the subject which is not much for troubleshooting.
  3. C

    Will everybody who accepts Jesus Christ's salvation get to heaven?

    According to the bible, Hitler could be in heaven right now if he asked for forgiveness.
  4. C

    Christians, is this true about atheists?

    so you do admit you blame all your problems on God?
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    Challenging terrain to (hike,climb,canoe,etc.)...?

    Your favorites? Of a trek that leaves one inspired.
  6. C

    Challenging terrain to (hike,climb,canoe,etc.)...?

    Your favorites? Of a trek that leaves one inspired.
  7. C

    What's the funniest picture you've seen on the internet?

    a lady taking a picture of herself in the bathroom for her myspace page but didn't realize that there was a enormous doo doo in the toilet!!! my computer at work will block the link
  8. C

    why does my dog chew his nails?

    he probably has ocd. talk to a behaviorist
  9. C

    What's the song(and artist) in the LATEST Jaguar TV ad?

    It's for a new small convertible. A line goes, "I'm cool, you're hot", or something like that. Please don't respond if you're thinking of another commercial.
  10. C

    Are you happy with your Venus sign? Why or why not?

    Venus in Scorpio , i like the intense feelings , it suits my Scorpio personality , i think with passion , search for truth with passion , so why not love with passion?. But in your case (Sag sun , Gemini moon and ascendant) this intensity might be a strange thing for you , i can understand.
  11. C

    Saturn Conjunct Moon = Insanity ?

    I read it somewhere in this section . is it true? i looked it up in some of the sites that i know but no clue . Him : i'm flattered aspicco : good to know this but i don't understand the second part of your answer ....i mean yes Saturn is currently in Virgo and the Moon will Conjunct Saturn when...
  12. C

    Is there any other sites similar to this on the internet that are not so

    One of these might be okay, but you won't know if they're biased or not unless you check them out for a couple of days: I think I'd steer clear of the one that's titled 'Liberal Forum', even...
  13. C

    What are your thoughts on the 'world's first man to give birth'? I say, this is not a man...