Search results

  1. J

    Interesting topics about Judaism?

    What are some interesting things about Judaism? Such as maybe; holidays, rituals, etc. It needs to be somewhat broad, but not too broad. I need it as a topic for my English 3 Honors class, so it needs to be an interesting topic. Something I can speak about for at least three minutes. And I need...
  2. J

    Did i have a oragasm?

    last night i was having sex with my boyfriend and it felt like i had to pee and my nipples kept getting hard when i felt like i have to pee, after it was over i looked at his sheets and there was wet spots and when it dryed it was white, did i have a oragasm?????
  3. J

    My tampon is stuck!!!! It just wont come out. HELP!!!!?

    sounds like you're not ready for a tampon if it takes that long to put it in. sometimes if you're not bleeding alot tampons tend to get stuck. just keep trying to take it out. and next time just stick to pads. sorry hun! good luck
  4. J

    These girls I invited to a Holiday party have no etiquette?

    Every year since eighth grade (we are now in 11th) I have thrown a Secret Santa party with my friends. I used to cohost with my best friend. As the years went on, the party grew out of control with tons and tons of girls, over half of whom I wasn't even friends with. It got chaotic. Some of the...
  5. J

    symphone/saving iphone SMS text messages?

    i have heard of symphone, how you can save your iphone text messages, but where do i download it? i have also heard that everything is backed up when you sync to itunes, but how do you retrieve your SMS texts? please help if there is any other way to save SMS text messages on iphone!! 10...
  6. J

    iphone doesn't have EDGE under network settings?

    my iphone doesn't have the option of clicking EDGE under settings-general-network. I dont' even know what edge is, do i need it? if so, how do i get it? i have the new iphone 3g, thank you! 10 points for best answer
  7. J

    how to set up a 2nd email on iphone?

    how can i set up a second email account on iphone 3g? 10 points for best answer, thank you!
  8. J

    iphone icons spaced out?

    on the 2nd page of icons of my iphone 3g i have five icons, four on the top row, and one on the third row, how can i get them all together? thanks! 10 points for best answer
  9. J

    does anyone know what chrissy from newport harbor is studying?

    just wonderin'..
  10. J

    newport harbor?

    does anyone know what chrissy is going to college for?