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    Bible telling the future?

    The descendents of Ishmael, the Arabs, have a large population.
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    Is Circumcision still practiced in Judaism?

    Of course.
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    Atheists, how do you explain fulfilled prophecies in the bible?

    Good point. The Bible is the only holy book that contains scores of prophecies on many subjects, all of which are being fulfilled, have been fulfilled, or about to be fulfilled. Most holy books contain no prophecy at all.
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    What is the best Religion?

    The one that proves all things.
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    Concerning the prophecy of the Anti-Christ?

    You are correct. We are close. But it is the Beast, not the Antichrist.
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    How do you know your religion is true and your neighbor's isn't?

    Good point. One should keep changing until he finds the genuine truth.
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    If you believe that your holy book made non-trivial prophecies that were

    Most impressive are the multiple prophecies about the Messiah (Christ), in the Old Testament hundreds, sometimes thousands of years in advance of the birth of Christ. There is no way to cover up these prophecies.
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    Only "good" people go to Heaven. How did this popular rumour get going and who

    Man's tradition. At funerals people like to tell kids that the dead person went to heaven. Some kids will ask, "Then who is in the box?"
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    Christians, what does it mean to you to rise up with wings as eagles, to run

    A mother eagle will knock her children out of the nest to teach them to fly. Just before they hit the ground the mother flies under them, saving them from death. Repeating this exercise causes the children to learn to fly. The Eternal will do the same with us.
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    Because Jesus spoke so much about the law, can the average "christian" have the...

    Yes, most leaders are clueless in regard to the law and Jesus stand in regard to it. Request the free booklet God's Law: Should We Trash It? from [email protected]
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    Did man create God, sin and the rules to Heaven and Hell?

    Man has created all the religions of the world. The heaven and hell idea is a product of fear religion and the mistranslations of the King James Bible. Sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). Man tries to pretend it is something else.
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    Can You Follow A Religion Without Having Read It's Holy Book Back To Back?

    I agree. I've read the Bible 10 times.
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    can religion and science coexist?

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    why are there so much atheists in the religion section?

    Evolution is a religion and they come here to mingle with those of like faith.
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    What religion 'imitates' Christianity?

    Commercial Christianity. 2 Peter 2:3 They claim obedience to God is not required, that the commandments have been abolished, that grace is a license to sin, that you are once saved always saved, that there is a trinity, that there is an ever burning hell fire to torture people for eternity...
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    What religion are you and why?

    Independent Christian. Because I realized that mainstream and brand name Christianity held their traditions to be more important than truth from the Scriptures.
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    what makes you certain that your religion is "right"?

    It is a matter of being willing to change when presented with new truth. Most religions do not change to any great extent. For example, a religious leader discovering the 4th commandment will usually pretend not to have discovered it because he knows he would lose many donors and his...
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    Christian: How does it feel to be part of a dying religion?

    True followers of Christ have always been a little flock.
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    From a religious aspect: What's your favorite part about your country and

    Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble. Independent Christian.
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    Should I list my religion & race/ethnicity on my scholarship application?

    When University of Texas found out I was Indian, acceptance was smooth as silk. I don't like that about Universities. It should be labeled for what it is: Legalized Discrimination.