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  1. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  2. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  3. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  4. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  5. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  6. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  7. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  8. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  9. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  10. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  11. D

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is that "naive". His economic policies WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! Thank God some of our Representatives in Washington actually have the knowledge and turned this bill down. OUST those who have really no clue on the impact that their bills will do to this Country.
  12. D

    Is outsourcing of jobs overseas because of Trade Unions?

    It is much cheaper operating a business or corporation in other countries. Our tax structure and our wages are way higher. Drop the Corporate taxes, and perhaps you will see some returning.
  13. D

    How can Obama guarantee warranties on GM and Chrysler?

    This Country, OUR AMERICA, is in grave grave trouble. You all best start writing all Politicians and let your thoughts explode on what they are doing to our Country. The Government has NO BUSINESS interfering with companies. We are now turning to facism. That is NOT what I want for MY COUNTRY.
  14. D

    Is Barney Frank the future of the Democratic party?

    No, they are promoting communism
  15. D

    how is senate bill 2433 tied into the 'get us out of the UN' conspiracy theory?

    It is true, the UN would in deed have power over our sovereignty. You must read the entire bill carefully
  16. D

    how is senate bill 2433 tied into the 'get us out of the UN' conspiracy theory?

    It is true, the UN would in deed have power over our sovereignty. You must read the entire bill carefully
  17. D

    Do you know anyone making $250,000 and complaining about taxes?

    Me and my family do not make that much, HOWEVER, just with the end to the Bush tax cuts, we will be paying way more taxes under Obama. You people really need to learn your facts.
  18. D

    This little detail should put an end to rumors that Obama is Muslim. But will it?

    Actually other Muslims from other Countries have said Obama was formerly a Muslim. That actually came from his step brother.
  19. D

    Does 85,000 citizens ring a bell?

    So more "glitz" and "pomp" mean a better candidate?? I KNOW NOT!!!! You seem to forget that Obama has a lot more $ he just threw away on his DNC. Money that could have helped a lot of desperate people in this Country don't you think!!!!!
  20. D

    News and politics, and election campains--are you surprised by this?

    You forgot to mention any of the opposition...........when in fact Soros and are behind Obama. really does go both ways. No the reporting has been biased to say the least, and I have NOT read of real reporting on the "issues" past and present, only what our dear Media...