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  1. G

    My touch screen wont work on my Sony Ericsson Vivaz how do i fix this without...

    ...using the touch screen? I saw that Sony Xperia Support answered this question with the downloading of the PC Companion. The problem was I cannot choose PC Suite in my phones touch screen. That's why I cannot proceed with the PC Companion software support. Please HELP!!!
  2. G

    Does anyone else meet the same situation?

    With so many choices to go to watch videos, I found that I don’t have a favorite video site. It’s perhaps because every site features something particular that I like while another doesn’t.
  3. G

    10 points!!! Tv with integrated blue-ray DVD player?

    Please can someone let me know if there is a tv with an integrated blue-ray DVD player instead of having to buy each separate? Also us there a tv with recording features and DVD integrated? If so let me know make and model. Thanks
  4. G

    my cat hair is coming out in patches and I noticed his ear seems brittle and...

    ...a piece tearing off what is this? I was told by a vet in februrary 2011 that my male cat was 1 and a half years old, I am concerned as I am noticing patches of his hair coming out and his ear tearing. I am now unemplyed so I don't have the finances to take him to a vet, How can I help him ?
  5. G

    Is it a big wrong to abuse others in Facebook?

    I had wrote something on the Facebook,And somebody thought there was my fault and magnified this little thing.I just wrote about my dissatisfaction. Is it my fault?
  6. G

    Is it a big wrong to abuse others in Facebook?

    I had wrote something on the Facebook,And somebody thought there was my fault and magnified this little thing.I just wrote about my dissatisfaction. Is it my fault?
  7. G

    please help me, i'm sad and need to laugh.....................?
  8. G

    Answer my riddle~ IF YOU CAN!?

    It's a mastadon.
  9. G

    Where can I get Sea Of Souls on DVD?

    amazon or try to google it
  10. G satalite phone links information?

    do you have to pay to conet with a solder severving in afganistan or is this a scam?????
  11. G satalite phone links information?

    do you have to pay to conet with a solder severving in afganistan or is this a scam?????
  12. G

    A riddle? Help anyone?

    nothing the rich need nothing because they have everything!
  13. G

    (Nostradamus) Why was Napoleon considered the Anti Christ?

    And according to Nortradamus would he have been the first Anti christ?... He said there was three, the first two are Napoleon and Hilter... So who would be the third? They were both charismatic leaders. The first question is the most important, can you please help me :) Thank you! Dogpatch...
  14. G

    Politics: Will the never-ending bailouts improve our economy?

    With those banks being bailed out and Obama's plans for socialized healthcare, I think America is becoming more into social democracy.
  15. G

    Hottest Female Celeb? I Love Brandy?

    Adrianna Lima or Douzten Kroes
  16. G

    People from the UK help (politics) - House of commons different to the house...

    I thought that was what you meant lol.... Well you can't be a member of house of commons for anymore than 5 years whereas in America it's two. (UK) You have to be 21+, (US) You have to be 25+. The house of commons has exactly 91000, House of representatives have 670000 voters in a specified...
  17. G

    (Nostradamus) Why was Napoleon considered the Anti Christ?

    And according to Nortradamus would he have been the first Anti christ?... He said there was three, the first two are Napoleon and Hilter... So who would be the third? They were both charismatic leaders. The first question is the most important, can you please help me :) Thank you! Dogpatch...
  18. G

    If R&S got into a battle of wits with Politics who would win?

    Politics None make people stupider
  19. G

    Do you discuss politics with your family?

    Nope, I agree with you
  20. G

    Why on earth is the President of the United States seeking policy advice...

    ...from hollywood stars? When I first heard this I thought it was a joke. What sort of nonsense? America's first celebrity president, wow. What happened to the bipartisanship he was evangelizing about? Why not seek insight to what the people on the other side want? I have no respect? Really...