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  1. T

    Would Obama make it through his first term without being tarred and feathered?

    Do you think he'll tax us on that tar?
  2. T

    What gives the liberals a silly idea that gays want to be represented by them?

    We'll leave you alone...just shut you're big mouths and stop waving your sexuality in our faces. I don't need to know WTF you do with your lover.
  3. T

    Anybody else think Obama looks cool with a cigarette in his mouth?

    You mean in those pictures with the Saudi king? It wasn't a cigarette.
  4. T

    Will Barry Obama honor my warranty extension on my Chevy Geo?

    I'm sure they'll honor the extension. Just make a few minor adjustments like remove the engine so you can push it down the street.
  5. T

    Twenty GM cars make a profit; 11 are trucks and SUVs. Those will be eliminated and

    I'm never driving a friggin golf cart. Not enough room for my shotgun.
  6. T

    How do you make a electronic gadget with a hinge?

    Use a flexible circuit board.
  7. T

    This girl seems interested, but things never work out, should i still give it...

    ...time and give her a chance? i'm 17, i met a girl at work and she clearly showed interest in me, not afraid to make eye contact and make physical contact (hugging/holding my arm). she gave me her phone number and both times after we planned a date, the final call to pick her up was a let down...