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  1. P

    Getting cat out of small spaces?

    you tied a fire cracker to a cats hind ??? if you're not careful somebody might inform animal welfare authorities and/or the RSPCA, and they might trace your IP and ask you questions to 'investigate' this matter - this blatant act of animal cruelty so you and your friend can get off on it is...
  2. P

    Does labeling one self a certain religion, make them a 'better' person necessarily ?

    do you need to follow a religion to become a 'better' person ? or is this a load of old tosh ? reason I ask this , is that some of the nicest people I have ever met are those who did not follow a faith strictly and weren't all that religious. Some of the nastiest vile people i've ever met...
  3. P

    my asshole neighbour blocked my drive way - i can't get my car out now and...

    ...hes not home ? that sorry excuse for a human being parked his UGLY horrendous giant 4x4 'tank' (these are not cars folks, im sorry im 199% anti 4 x4's in public places, keep them in the country rural areas - not on our frigging streets arrgh ! '>_<' * and the twat aint home. so I'm angry...
  4. P

    Pakistan's intelligence service/agency doing enough to combat Terrorism or maybe

    fuel/support it ? just wondering why its failing to dilute terrorism homegrown or from the pashtun mainland, I just think that if Pakistan's intelligence agency devoted 80% of its energy into battling terrorism instead of 'supporting' it , the troubled nation would be...well less troubled ...
  5. P

    Can you give me a list of various job roles/titles that employ the use of

    PDA's / mobile gadgets of some kind? I know the men who issue tickets on public roads, have something like that - and this is a mobile tool of some type, not quite a PDA but it does some 'recording/sending' of data to some central point. Another job role/title I can think of is onsight...
  6. P

    What actions of other road users REALLY drive you nuts ?

    tailbacking (bumper to bumper pursuit followed by flashing their lights) aggressive tailbacking (theyve tried flashing their lights, now its time to swerve their car side to side behind and make neanderthalic facial expressions in your rearview) aggressive overtaking (you're even going 10mph...
  7. P

    Why do people say 'study a religion' before commenting on it ?

    the only universal truths in all mainstream faiths are ethical and moral truths, such as 'don't kill/murder, give to the needy, help the aged/poor, abstain from greed, avoid narcotics/alcohol, distinguish between love and lust etc. After that, is there ANY real need to refer to a religious...
  8. P

    what are the top bit-torrent clients out there ? does it make a difference which

    one you use/have ?? im thinking it doesnt matter a single bit what client you got, since they're all linked to one big network of networks, the internet. am i mistaken though ? if so, which one is the best to use ? i've been using uTorrent up till now :p
  9. P

    Can you run more than one bit-torrent client at one time ?

    can you ? if so, are there any draw backs ? Also any tips/advice on configuring/setting up a torrent client to achieve maximum potential in terms of download speeds ? any computer nerds out there (males) who answer this will earn the chance to recieve a picture of me (real one :p ) , but only...