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  1. D

    Why christinity ,muslim religion has a lot of rules and regulation as copare

    People do like to wrap themselves up in rules and regulations demanded by their god. Hinduism, instead of wrapping itself up in rules, has a profusion of gods instead. If you think about it dispassionately, that's equally as foolish and unnecessary. All in all, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and...
  2. D

    Is religion a fantasy?

    There are no gods, so I guess you may say that all religions are fantasies. Religions were built on, and are sustained by the hopes of humanity for something better after this life of suffering and strife and pain. People find it difficult to accept that there is nothing after all that we go...
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    IMAGINE NO RELIGION: will this ever happen in our lifetime... will relgion die...

    It's just a song, and John Lennon is over rated. He was a dreamer. If there was no religion, people would have no difficulty, and would waste no time in finding something else to fight and kill each other over. And religion will be a long time dying out, as it is all but in our genes. We are...
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    How do I get a visa for a cruise?

    Last time I was in that area, the visas were arranged on the ship. Don't do the horseback riding in Cozumel, it's pretty crap!
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    Christians, if there were no police what would atheists do?

    We will just have to live with the criminally minded believers in god!
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    Is this solid proof that the madhi is the antichrist ?

    Did you know that Martin Luther was named as the Antichrist by the Pope of the time, and was then named as the antichrist himself by Luther? You have been reading that comic book Revelation again, haven't you. Well, I guess it's more fun than Harry Potter, and even more fantastic!
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    Atheists/Christians........................................ .............A...

    They would both justify it, and both would set about it with equal vigour. Both being human beings, you see.
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    How come Christians say HIV/AIDS is a punishment from God for gay people

    They also believe the big Asian Tsunami, and Hurricane Katrina, and the Haiti earthquake were all punishment from god.
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    Where does God keep those aircraft that Ezekiel talked about?

    In a big hangar on the outskirts of the Negev desert. There are three.
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    Why do Jews not want anyone to join their religion?

    I don't know, I never tried. I don't want some Rabbi slicing off the end of MY dick, thank you! But I think it may be because they don't want people to adopt their religion unless they are absolutely certain that's what they REALLY want. Being a Jew is more than adopting Judaism. A lot more!
  11. D

    Is this right for my parents?

    if your parents can't buy you shoes i dont think you could ever convince them for a concert. try doing small jobs. convenient stores hires young ppl. may be they cant afford it. study well and try to get scholarships for college education.
  12. D

    Is this right for my parents?

    if your parents can't buy you shoes i dont think you could ever convince them for a concert. try doing small jobs. convenient stores hires young ppl. may be they cant afford it. study well and try to get scholarships for college education.
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    Are you impressed with the milestone Andrew Bynum reached?

    He was the 8th youngest player to reach 1,000 rebounds on Tuesday game against the bulls.
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    i have goldfish in my pond and two fish are getting chased by the others?

    if they are pregnant you should separate them, once they lay their eggs, separate the mothers from the eggs and when they hatch keep the hatchlings apart from the other fish until they grow because the other fish will eat them