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  1. A

    If you become Christian , does that mean you have to stop being a fan of...

    or something like that....and stuff.
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    hey i live in calgary alberta and is there any girls between 14 and 16 that

    wanna...fool around.? any age is fine actually..under 22
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    In Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction, on Planet Mukow, what is the...

    ...pattern for the circuit board? Normally I would complete this myself but, it's been an hour now and I give up! Help please..
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    if a religious person knew as much about science as a atheist knows about...

    Actually, atheists only learn what they think will undermine the faith of others. Very cynical, but not surprising.
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    According to religions marriage is only for producing children?

    Spoken like a sweet, innocent, naive child.
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    Why is religion more important than education?

    To people of faith, religion is important. To people of business, profit is important. To government officials, national security is important. Etc, etc, etc.
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    burn umd games onto mini dvd's?

    now that there are umd cases avaliable in the market is it possible for us to burn psp game iso onto a disk(mini dvd) and play them? if so how? if not why?
  8. A

    Is it true that Apple Computers is coming out with a new gadget called

    well if that were true it would use less energy than Obamas teleprompters. I guess the right is going more green than the left.
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    is there a sidebar gadget for vista that searches directly on

    why dont you disable vista sidebar and install google sidebar (google will obviously be your friend there) and it has one built in.
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    For those against same-sex marriage...?

    They don't
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    Should parents have the right to teach their religion to their kids and insist...

    ...that they go to services? I've read a couple of posts which seem to say that parents should not be able to "indoctrinate" their kids (let's say below 16 year old) with any religion and should let their kids "find their own way. If parents should have this right, how far should it go? Can they...
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    Install new apps with out jailbreaking iphone?

    ... That's like saying if you can install a 50MB software onto a 32MB drive. "Hey guy's, is this possible? Can I do that? Can I, can I"?
  13. A

    Install new apps with out jailbreaking iphone?

    ... That's like saying if you can install a 50MB software onto a 32MB drive. "Hey guy's, is this possible? Can I do that? Can I, can I"?
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    Christians... when you tell people of other religions to read the Bible do you in...

    I don't tell people of other religions to read the Bible. I don't know anyone that does. Have you witnessed it happening? NOt likely. You just like to assume it happens. You like to hate.
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    Question about religion.?

    Ask the people who tortured witches in the dark ages. Nobody alive has any idea and if you had an ounce of intelligence you would figure that out.
  16. A

    How about a top ten list: Signs That Your Friend or Lover May Be Going Off The...

    You ask for jelly beans and get whoppers.