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  1. C

    Just watching Beatles film Help. Humor is really forced & pathetic. It feels so...

    Not only was it made forty years ago, it was a different dimension.
  2. C

    I have put some 1 on life support for..?

    The boy had a choice. He could have kept quiet. And he could have chosen to keep away from this group of boys. This is the type of country we are living in these days we all have to protect ourselves. Just think what this type of person would or could have done to an old lady or man who...
  3. C

    Does anyone else think those celebrities on the Apprentice totally wasted the...

    I thought it was very entertaining, we got our money's worth with Patsy and Michelle arguing, Ross being a control freak, Gerald Ratner still being an idiot and Alan Carr just being Alan Carr.....worth sending money in for in my book.
  4. C

    Does anyone else think those celebrities on the Apprentice totally wasted the...

    I thought it was very entertaining, we got our money's worth with Patsy and Michelle arguing, Ross being a control freak, Gerald Ratner still being an idiot and Alan Carr just being Alan Carr.....worth sending money in for in my book.
  5. C

    how can i find out what my daughter is up to on the internet?

    spy on her you should not have to do that it is your house and i more than sure its not her pc so everything is your business put your foot down it could save her life....
  6. C

    What do men (teens upwards)like to see on greeting cards?

    Nothing dirty please! I'm a card designer and there only seems to be a set few things to put on a male card, any ideas would be brilliant ta.
  7. C

    How can i stop myself from being obsessed with a celebrity...?

    The honest truth is that it is just a good way of avoiding what you really should be doing. It's just another way to procrastinate. By blaming the internet, you are passing the buck. It's not the internet, it's you and your willpower.
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    Omg Im So Scared!! Help Me?

    i had this bump right were your leg bends a little more towards my lower area but more so towards my leg. Well anyways it wuld hurt every once and awhile when it rubs against my leg. well today it was hurting so i pushed down on it n it started bleeding. i pulled like 1 1/2 inch of a piece of...
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    Is it ok to e-mail a vet's office to ask them if they will let you leave... sitting business cards there? I started up a Cat Sitting Service in Calgary. "Little Paws Pet Care" I want to get my business out there, and want to know if e-mailing and asking if I can drop off some business cards is ok? Or should I go in person? If e-mail is ok...what would be the...
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    What can i hunt in idaho?

    Chicka - explain what pleasure you get out of killing a small animal. I think the best way to try your 12 gauge out would be to stick it up your a-r-s-e and pull the trigger.
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    How Do you Get the Wii Internet?

    I was wondering how to get the Wii Internet. I have internet but how do you get the browser? I really want to know!
  12. C

    Good Pet Fish Names ?

    I am getting a fish tomarrow at 12:00. So if it is passed 9:00 p.m and your answering, i won't be online. Ok. I am getting a fish tomarrow at 12:00, and i'm trying to think of some good names. My top choice it Scrubsy. But anyway, here are some others: Bubbles, Squirtle, Blue, Scribble, Coushy...
  13. C

    I feel disrespected by my boyfriend's I over reacting?

    I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years and still don't quite fit in with his family. It doesn't help that we are of different races, but I've never considered that to be any kind of a factor in our simply doesn't matter. Except for when it comes to our families. I, as...
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    i need some advice about a guy picking me up in his car? and what to

    I'll tell you a secret shall I. Your mom and dad desperately love you, you lucky, lucky child. Their fear is that he will drive too fast and kill you. Why not introduce him to your parents first and let them get to know him. The problem is you see, we have to take what we are given when...
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    Lee P. Bloom? question about Bloom from celebrity rehab?

    So I was watching the "graduation" episode of celebrity rehab tonight, and at the end it said "In memory of Lee P. Bloom" Who is that? I did not watch the 1st season, but have never heard of him either. Anyone know? KNow where I can find a pic to see who the heck he is? I am just curious
  16. C

    What is a good Suv to get for $10,000-$41,000?

    I have a Mercury Mountaineer and LOVE it!! its has the 3rd row seating (handy for the kids), drives great, and has a lot of extra goodies that I love. its priced in the 30's. The Ford Escape is good too, a bit smaller and less expensive, but still a very good vehicle
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    How is the LG Rumor phone?

    I like mine. Its a phone, it works, I text a lot and its a good texting phone. Camera is not the best ever, but it works. I would say 8-9/10
  18. C

    Should children be told about terrorists?

    don't you will scare the little tykes just protect them and if you want hire a policeman or bodyguard(s) to protect them and if they ask just say that they are babysitters. By the way police will do it for free.
  19. C

    What is an 'embellishment style' of pattern?

    I've been asked to design a gift bag in this style but i've no idea what it means, can anyone give me a clue? Thanks.