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  1. L

    Would you classify atheism as a religion?

    I believe you confuse agnostism and athiesm. athiests are firm in their "belief" in science and not a god. are we religious? no, however we can express our disbeliefs and arguments.
  2. L

    How do you stop a whining dog/puppy?

    I got a puppy today and she has a habit of whining... especially if we leave the house. I live in a hotel-style apartment with tile floors and long narrow hallways so the sound echos. I will stand outside the door to see how see reacts when we leave and she will continue to cry and bark. How...
  3. L

    If I have a at&t Motorola q is there a way to switch it over to tmobil?

    You unlock it and take it over, it can do done.
  4. L

    during a call, can u record the conversation on the new iphone 3G?

    Nope you cannot. Don't get it. iphone sucks. It doesn’t have anything. Its all hype. It can't text pictures, it can't record video, it had connection issues, no mobileTV, no ATT services, most apps are pointless and dumb, no external memory so your stuck with your limit, too itunes centric, low...
  5. L

    Sprint Instinct: Can you set your music as a ring tone and if so how?

    Sprint is terrible... you should switch. You cannot do that, you will need to buy the ringtone separately. Verizon lets you do that, not sprint or tmobile.
  6. L

    Motorola RAZR?

    Probally a bug, never get motorola phones. They suck, so cheap and buggy and slow. There is little to nothing you can do, get a new phone or contact your carrier... motorola fails.
  7. L

    Cingular smart phones.?

    Hmmmm. ATT's selection is terrible for stuff like that. switch to verizon not only is it a better network, but it has the best phones running windows mobile. Don't get the pantech duo it may look good but its really buggy, slow, and cheap. Cnet gave it a terrible review. Stick to LG and Samsung...
  8. L

    when i try to pair with a phone through bluetooth, my phone keeps on saying "not

    If its too outdated it might now work. Get LG and Sasmung phones, they are the best and use the latest technology even without making a new model. Motorola sucks.
  9. L

    when i try to pair with a phone through bluetooth, my phone keeps on saying "not

    If its too outdated it might now work. Get LG and Sasmung phones, they are the best and use the latest technology even without making a new model. Motorola sucks.
  10. L

    motorola rockr e8 or blackberry pearl?

    Blackberry pearl, motorola makes the worst phones so buggy, cheap, and slow. It takes forever to load and change menus and camera sucks, also the lights shut of permanently if you drop it on carpet. It falls apart really fast. Don't get motorola phones. Stick to LG and Samsung. Blackberry is...
  11. L

    iPhone 2G on T-Mobile Internet Fee?

    You cannot use it's internet on tmobile. If you get it unlocked it's internet will not work.
  12. L

    Can you add a line on a Sprint account if they have the unlimited plan and...

    You can, but I suggest you and your husband move. Sprint sucks, terrible coverage, over priced plans, bleeding customers, everyone is leaving them, stocks have crumbled, no good phones, no good plans, no good features or services, they suck, terrible customer support when we left sprint they...
  13. L

    SPRINT? my two year contracts ends 6/1/09 my one year conrtact ends...

    You will, but you should switch. Sprint is dying, their stocks have crumbled, they have no good phones, nobody supports them, they are just BLEEDING customers, everyone is leaving them, they have over priced plans, terrible customer support, the worst coverage ever, they can't merge with nextel...
  14. L

    i want the moto Q from verizon?

    You heard wrong, its for data. You do not HAVE to pay 30 bucks but if you don't you cannot check emails, surf the web and what not. Moto Q sucks, its so buggy, slow, and breaks easily. Motorola sucks, their phones suck. The company is dying anyway. Stick to LG and Samsung. The new LG Dare is one...
  15. L

    Sprint Phone Book?

    The rumor is awesome, you probably don't take care of your stuff. Motorola and sanyo suck,LG and Samsung make the best phones. Get it exchanged you have a bad rumor. Sprint sucks, they are dying you should switch before sprint's bankrupts forces you too.
  16. L

    What are the top five, newest and best working nokia phones?

    Helio ocean isn't good, well the phone it but helio is a joke the network they got bought by virgin mobile anyway. The Nokia N95 is one of the best phones on the market. Stick to LG and Samsugn when buying phones, stay away from crappy motorola and sanyo. Nokia is kinda the fair ground.
  17. L

    How do I unlock my sprint mogul to use with boostmobile service?

    You mean an HTC mogul? It depends on your carrier, I do not know which technology boostmobile uses. Sprint uses CDMA if your carrier is also CDMA it can be done. Sprint is so badi ts scary. It sucks, I would not even get their unlocked phones.
  18. L

    So i want to get the IPHONE 3G?

    Without a 2 yr contract it would be 400 bucks. Don't get it. iphone sucks. It doesn’t have anything. Its all hype. It can't text pictures, it can't record video, it had connection issues, no mobileTV, no ATT services, most apps are pointless and dumb, no external memory so your stuck with your...
  19. L

    I got two new phones from sprint. One was purchased at a store and other was online.?

    Don't sell it to your friend. Sprint sucks, you two should both leave that crappy company. They are dying. You might be able to return it if it wasen't opened. Stick to LG and Samsung when buying phones, stay away from sprint's crappy motorola and sanyo garbage.
  20. L

    how is apple iphone.??/ is it good or bad????

    NO! iphone sucks. It doesn’t have anything. Its all hype. It can't text pictures, it can't record video, it had connection issues, no mobileTV, no ATT services, most apps are pointless and dumb, no external memory so your stuck with your limit, too itunes centric, low speakerphone, no bluetooth...