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  1. S

    Where can I list my american vacation home for sale to england residents?

    Where online for free?
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    Why do some portray Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, as brown or black? And...

    its because jesus was born in a country were there were black/brown people DUH-UH!! i learnt that in R.E. lol
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    Can you buy a sidekick in Canada? Can you use it through Telus?

    Can you buy a sidekick in Canada? can you buy one online? can you use it with a telus Pay As You Go??? What would it cost roughly... for the phone, unlocking it, sim card, ETC?
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    What is my puk code???

    Im with optus, i dont know wat to do. Is the best way to find the code by calling them? If so wat do they ask you?
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    What are the requirements to own a snowmobile in Illinois?

    I am buying a trailer and 2 snowmobiles and I just want to know if there are any taxes or how old you have to be to have one. Do you have to take special classes before riding one? Thank you
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    What are the requirements to own a snowmobile in Illinois?

    I am buying a trailer and 2 snowmobiles and I just want to know if there are any taxes or how old you have to be to have one. Do you have to take special classes before riding one? Thank you
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    I have a 2002 ford escort zx2 and the whole dash kit...?

    Well as I said I have the new dash kit (Mazda 99-5720) and I bought a new Pioneer radio 4900 and I had everything plugged in but the stock radio has a different type of plug that goes to the speakers then my pioneer does (my pioneer has the little circle for the plugs to "plug"in) but my stock...
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    No period for 2 months, finally got it.?

    I didnt have a period for two months. I was real freaked out because I was slowly gettin bigger and I thought I was definitely pregnant, even though every test came back neg. Why was I so bloated during the two months, I am usually a size zero and I was probably about a 2 during those 2 months...
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    Who is the hottest celebrity in your guys' opinion?

    of course, johnny depp