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  1. S

    When DC's credit is downgraded to junk status and all spending is frozen...?

    Q1: Will Latinos try to return to Mexico (whose peso is backed by increasing gold reserves as their govt trades its oil for gold)? Q2: Will they be stopped at the border as the Mexican govt refuses to take on the burden of (official est) 40 to 60 million illegals and their descendants (kids...
  2. S

    Are all workers interchangable, so their value in the marketplace would be the same?

    I've seen one career attract some of the finest minds & people I've had the honor of knowing and it's a waste. These folks' minds are totally wasted in a dismal profession they'd NEVER have considered were it not for pressures created by a govt run amok along with a litigious society. Lawyers...
  3. S

    Is fox news just a bad joke against conservatives like their sister

    FOX, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, BBC, Reuters... ALL read from the same script. One set reads for the protagonist; the other for the antagonist. Depending on the viewer, BOTH are the overwhelmed little victim. I don't watch infotainment as I don't want a "media-ocracy." (didn't make that up...
  4. S

    Ain't it great that DC and the media have kept us caged into "con" v "lib"

    Ain't it great that DC and the media have kept us caged into "con" v "lib" camps?! It's just the bomb, huh?!!? I mean, never mind that for at least 4 decades, fewer than 50% have ever defined themselves - by issue - as being loyal to either camp? ...
  5. S

    True? We vote for noses. DC can't see or hear us but as long as they can smell a...

    ...rat from across the aisle..? they get re-elected indefinitely. Agree? Disagree?
  6. S

    Washington DC: Is this why DC can't get along? [see video] ... because they're human? Really. No. I mean REALLY. It makes frighteningly good sense. ... Thoughts? ... /// O---kay. We know Romeo failed to see similar struggles of DC and family (assuming he bothered to watch the video). ...
  7. S

    Would you buy airfare to Nunya for the whole DC-545 if they promise never to

    return? As a bonus, we could have? them all surgically connected... er... corrected? Nope. I was right the first time. YO! Time to flush that machine, don't ya think? ...
  8. S

    Would you buy airfare to Nunya for the whole DC-545 if they promise never to

    return? As a bonus, we could have? them all surgically connected... er... corrected? Nope. I was right the first time. YO! Time to flush that machine, don't ya think? ...
  9. S

    Would you buy airfare to Nunya for the whole DC-545 if they promise never to

    return? As a bonus, we could have? them all surgically connected... er... corrected? Nope. I was right the first time. YO! Time to flush that machine, don't ya think? ...
  10. S

    Movie Quiz: "My Word! You're a tripod! Whadda ya feed that thing?"?

    Name the movie, character spkg, 2nd person, actors... Heck! If you can name the movie, you'll be doing good. ...
  11. S

    i want to rent an older suspenseful sci-fi movie w/that "what would i do"...

    If you like time-travel, I recommend "The Philadelphia Experiment" from the mid-eighties. I've been a one-man cult-following for that movie since it came out! ... - but, first, for something completely different...
  12. S

    Ever wonder what closed-door meetings in DC are like? Is this video

    about right, given the avg IQ in DC? Regardless of which guy is lib & which is con... we're scrooged. Thoughts? = = = = = = = = Blueberry33: If not for their power, would anyone take DC seriously? .
  13. S

    Did u c Ron Paul's write up of the 'investigation' in DC of causes of the

    Direct. Sensible. Realistic. Have you ever noticed that Dr. Paul's genius is his recognition of simple truth? At first glance, his stance seems complex. But when we compare it to the compilation of contradictory fairy-tales used by the Fed and the rest of DC to explain the situation, there...
  14. S

    why cant people stop complaining and just live with things?

    Oh, Gawd. Obviously, you're either joking or can't tell the difference. What else can I say? ... Oh, yeah: Pants first, then shoes. ...
  15. S

    Do you who daily argue for Republicans or for Democrats count the days of this

    I do! And Thanks for finally asking! ... Turn off the TV!!! ...
  16. S

    Do you enjoy a little humour with your politics... ?

    I always enjoy humor, regardless. And recently I've gained a lot of material as repubs/dems, liberals/conservatives seem to have drifted from every principle that gained our trust. Time to CLEAN HOUSE. ...
  17. S

    America's Freest States: Have I been right all along? That DC is chock full of

    feathers but the People are ...? real? Take a look. Read it. But do NOT weep. This is exACTLY what I'm talkin' about. You and your personal concerns are of the greatest relevance. Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Washington...
  18. S

    So would the despicable Republicans prefer that Obama fires a cruise missile at...

    This mess reminds me so much of GW Bush and that Chinese pilot clipping the wing of our plane and Bush did nothing. But on the other hand, there's just something so appealing about a 1.2 million dollar paycheck for one job. If I got paid that as a contractor, I'd be "prepping" for more just...
  19. S

    Politics - True or False: Voters have more power, collectively, than the...

    ...President. --...than the Congress...? Fact is, we do. EX: Hold a pebble over a plate and drop it... where will it fall? On the plate, more likely than not. Same with this faux confutation of those powers set in place to protect us against self-interested governance. Tough to change...
  20. S

    Politics and economy: The era of the "Classic Car" reached its peak at the

    height of the Great Depression? Why? is this paradoxical? Or, why is it not? [ ] How does it mirror our issues today? All comments are welcome. Thanks in advance (I always get answers far better than I deserve!) ... ======== Tacos: Hope...