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  1. B

    Given that Obama is adored by the media and Hollywood?

    It is so sad that Republicans are not popular now days with any one but themselves . Perhaps sticking to facts and less debasing insulting opinionated questions would help. Republicans have supported Socialism very recently . Via Welfare check for the wealthy Wall Street bankers instead of...
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    REPUBLICANS, the "economy" is picking up in spite of all the chaos, so

    I agree with you but then again I am not a doom and gloom Republican't.
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    How do you feel personally about that $10 trillion gamble, with America's...

    After the past 8 years of dismal Republican rule where the political philosophy was to give wealthy people all the breaks and our tax money what is Your solution then ? And you are right the out souring occurred but with Neo Con and Republican blessing .Republicans sold America out. Example ...
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    Republicans accuse Democrats of being lazy and not working. Can they explain...

    Nor can they explain GW Bush's Military service >>>>>>>> # GW Bush Went AWOL ... available military records of both GW Bush and John ... George W. Bush's missing year "Did they see him do any National Guard service? ' Good lord, no. ... - Cached
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    Killing in the name of your nation?

    YES I think so and I think it is wrong on both accounts . As Jesus said "Live By The Sword Die By The sword ".
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    Are Israel breeding future terrorists when they kill a mother and 2 out of 3 of...

    After being a life long supporter of Israel I can no longer respect them. One has to ask how bad conditions must have been in Palestine for Hamas to take over . According to what I have read Israel played a part in those terrible conditions .
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    Is Anyone Aware Of The Boat Leaving For Gaza??

    Thanks for the info I will save it .
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    Future of Republican party?

    I have been voting for along time now and I was appalled by how negative the Republican Party has become . I think people are sick of it and it will not be politics as usual for Republicans unless they start acting like the good guys for once .
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    How many seats do you expect Republicans to pick up in 2010 mid-term elections?

    Until the past 8 years of Republican rule I did not realized that our economy could be in the Tank so deeply . It is ironic that a few months after my Republican friends voted for Bush the second time around , that they Lost their Jobs and then their homes . If I have any thing against the...
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    Why do people try to convert others to their own religion?

    I am an older Christian -but I sometimes wonder who people are trying to convince.
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    Have the Obama birth certificate conspiracy people seen this?

    These Republicans will always look for something wrong. Even if Obama was perfect . I did not know what poor losers SOME OF THEM really are until this election.
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    How will the Presidency of 43 be described in history class of future generations?

    I was happy to vote for Obama -but I guess we will have to see.
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    Should Obama pay attention to to both Mayan and Biblical Prophecy ?

    Watched Armageddon again on cable last night. I have thought that the so called star Worm Wood mentioned in Revelations could well be an asteroid or comet. The Mayans kept records as well and were astronomers / astrologers based upon their records. Right now we have just a hand full of people...
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    what is the best religion?

    I consider myself a Christian But for the very reasons you have named I have to say there is none.
  15. B

    Can You picture a future world with out money ?

    Like in Star Trek The Next Generation ? Do you think that monetary wealth creates an unfair Cast system? Years ago I use to know a fantastic artist who ended up working at a gas station , because he had no business savvy at all. I also worked with a gold and silver smith making Jewelry . He was...
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    Does religion color your world view or does your world view influence your religion?

    I really Love the teachings of Jesus -though I no longer belong to any church. because I love these teachings they do influence my thoughts in the world . I do advocate compassion and tolerance. And I do Love Jesus.
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    Do You Trust The FBI Or Right Wing Conspiracy Types?

    I Trust The Fbi But Not Upper Elite Neo Nazi Con Republicans