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  1. M

    Porsche Boxster vs Corvette Stingray vs Chevy Camaro, Who would win ?

    Need way more info about the years and engines of the Corvette and Camaro The Boxer really isn't that powerful. It was meant to be a poor man's porsche
  2. M

    I left my itouch in the rain! help!?

    I'm sorry... it's gone. But it's in a better place now. We should be happy.
  3. M

    0bama referred to as *cool* and Romney referred to as *old fashioned*?

    The media doesn't want you to decide based on those meaningful details...because they want Obama to win.
  4. M

    What are some reasons Boxing match generates more money than MMA?

    It seems like I see more MMA fans but somehow Boxing generate more money than MMA (a lot more) What are the reasons for that? Go Pacman!
  5. M

    For those who know/study Shorinji Kempo?

    How different is it from Karate? Now I'm not saying which 1 is better but what separates the 2 beside the name? It is like comparing boxing to kick boxing, both are sports but 1 is more complete than the other. (Though it doesn't mean kick boxing is better than boxing, just more 'complete' as it...
  6. M

    Why dont conservative businessmen got no values?

    I'm more concerned with you grammar, or lack thereof
  7. M

    Will the Zeitgeist movement not stop until generation outsource is removed...

    The zeitgeist movement isn't actually happening
  8. M

    Teabaggers laughed when asked to tone down the rhetoric, now they expect others to...

    they laughed because THEY were being told to tone it down while the left continued to spew vitriol. They laughed at the left's hypocrisy. Recent events just remind us of the left's hypocrisy.
  9. M

    Why is it that when Debbie Riddle of Texas sponsors a bill to harbor illegal...

    She didn't sponsor a bill to harbor illegals she sponsored a bill to criminalize employing them...but left a horrible loophole that allowed employing housekeepers and gardeners etc. She should have made EVerify law for even them. ADD: employing them IS harboring them.. but the bill centered...
  10. M

    Is it a joke to consider Reagan a conservative after viewing his anything but...

    neocon, by definition, is not the same as a conservative...that is why they are called neo-conservatives, and not just conservatives. a neocon will never be a conservative...just like a liberal will never be a conservative. I'm glad we had this chat
  11. M

    If the market can regulate itself, how come Taco Bell "beef" is mostly sand?

    That is simply untrue. They list exactly what is in their seasoned beef. It is mostly beef (88% beef). but they fully admit it has fillers and texturizers....but no sand
  12. M

    Why are no libs protesting about Tibet now that BO is the one chatting with

    political convenience and political amnesia @1st need a check-up from the neck up
  13. M

    I am looking to get a smartphone. I have been swinging between the iphone 4 and an

    HTC model.? I realise there are pros and cons to both BUT my only real requirement is itunes compatability. I also hear that Android is a much more user friendly system to the Apples, is this really true? I also hear that an HTC is simply a better product all round. I really prefer the looks to...
  14. M

    Religion and politics? Are those the two biggest debates going on in the world?

    The two biggest debates are: What to do about Iran What to do about North Korea
  15. M

    Have you long suspected there was something not right about Queen Latifah &

    You're inferring there is something wrong with lesbians...and there isn't in general.
  16. M

    Do people like the Koch Brothers who bankroll the Tea Party and tell them what to...

    There is no secret funding...there is no one pulling the strings. some day the left will realize it really has been a grass roots movement. some people will live the rest of their lives preferring to believe an elaborate conspiracy theory, rather than accept that their ideas are not fact.
  17. M

    Is whining about tax deductions for yachts a good example of Liberal "Class Warfare"?

    Libs don't take tax deductions on their yachts..they store them the next state over and simply don't pay taxes... <cough> John Kerry <cough>
  18. M

    Why do people who drive SUV's/trucks run others off the road?

    maybe it is the fact that if you are in the fast lane, and someone behind you is going faster it is your RESPONSIBILITY to MOVE OVER and let them pass you. Don't abuse the fast lane by going slower than other people in it. I don't have an SUV, but it always astounds me the number of people...
  19. M

    What kind of impact will Toyota have on NASCAR this season?(details)?

    Will the fans support the new teams? Will Toyota have a decent season or will they struggle? Thoughts/opinions?
  20. M

    Have you been to Tallin, Estonia and/or Klaipeda, Lithuania on a cruise? I... trying to...? ...find out if credit cards are... ...generally accepted there? Most specifically in taxis.