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  1. V

    Do you think Siyar Bahadurzada could make a run for the title in the UFC?

    he is a very good underrated fighter he might get a few wins but the UFC WW division is dominated by wrestlers so i dont think he'll go far but he will be a good addition
  2. V

    Wedding in church or outdoors?

    You can have your wedding in the church w/ a priest and then have a blessing ceremony in front of your friends and family in an outdoor ceremony - that way you get both.
  3. V

    I have an interview at a GNC store, any advice?

    You should wear slacks, a nice collared shirt with long sleeves. Some might say to wear a tie, but I say that is optional, depending on how comfortable you feel about it. Do not wear shorts or jeans. Google GNC and read about the company so that you are knowledgeable about the firm. If...
  4. V

    this is not a joke!!!!!?

    I think most women like hair, manly men. That girl at the mall was kinda freaky to lift up your shirt in the middle of the mall. I don't know what her trip is but hair on a man is sexy. Be yourself and be proud of who you are and you will meet someone who likes the real you. She is out there...
  5. V

    My period is late, the last time i had sex was 5 months ago?

    it is only one week late, i have breast tenderness but i really don't want to be pregnant?
  6. V

    Anyone know any UK Websites that beat the shops for prices of pet food?

    I have had a quick look round and they all seem to be pretty much the same prices as the supermarkets or Pets at Home. Anyone know of any that are really good value for money?
  7. V

    I want to plan a trip to Bali for 8nights in July-August this year. What is a good

    luxury hotel to stay at? I was hoping to pay no more than $AUD1500 each person. I was hoping to plan a luxury, relaxing getaway for me and my partner, with the most luxury we can afford within budget. We may do a little bit of shopping, but mostly we want to relax, swim and get pampered.
  8. V

    is your pet considered stupid if he......?

    Sounds to me like you have a very active and playful pet! I have a cat who managed to actually pull the Christmas tree over! And I will never forget the first time he saw himself in the mirror!
  9. V

    Is there a website that lists vehicle horsepower ratings?

    Yep Look under "Reviews"
  10. V

    Is there a website that lists vehicle horsepower ratings?

    Yep Look under "Reviews"
  11. V

    Where can we go on holiday in November .. must be hot!?

    We only have £500 pp budget... Ideas pls!
  12. V

    Why can't they just give Casey Anthony truth serum, hypnotize her or give her...

    ...lots of pot to get her to talk? I also am very interested in this case. At first I just thought and hoped that this Casey gave her daughter to someone because she was trying to protect her from somebody. She appeared to be to calm for a mother who child's is missing. So I thought that maybe...
  13. V

    What's better - XBox 360 or Nintendo Wii???

    What are the pros and cons of each? Can't make my mind up which to get!!!!
  14. V

    Has anyone ever taken the free trip they give with the Event Planners or ITC

    Presentation? In April I attended a presentation by a company offering travel club memberships. The incentive for attending the presentation was a free trip. I was given a certificate for 3 days & 2 nights in Mexico, which included hotel, meals, and airfare, but they want a $100 refundable...
  15. V

    Is there a way to turn off all messages from all my groups at once while

    I'm on vacation? . . . or do I have to go into each group individually to turn off email notification? Thanks! Vicki