Search results

  1. H

    Can any android phone, download apps from google play?

    Yes you can actually, but it will tell you to type in your email and everything but of course you can! I use that way instead
  2. H

    Is it advisable for all Religions to cherry pick their Religious Books?

    Yes and thank goodnesss they've seen fit to cherry pick your otherwise depleted CNS. Lol lol lol ...
  3. H

    How can I strengthen my relationship with Christ?

    1 Corinthians 14 "34 Let your elephant keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to trumpet; but It is written: they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will flap their ears at any thing, let them flap their ears toward their...
  4. H

    I have a joke. Ready?

    I'm not telling it now.
  5. H

    i need to talk to a doctor about?

    a sexual question. when i was in 9th grade my health teacher gave the class a wsite you can have a short talk with a doctor for free but the doctor could be talking to 4 or more people at once so you need a username for each new time
  6. H

    list of free2play games for ps3 other then dc universe?

    Can anyone tell me a list of current & upcoming free2play games for ps3? I already know dc universe is in that list but other then that...
  7. H

    i have rogers digital cable and some basic channels dont work?

    just a few random channels that should be on basic cable how to i fix this
  8. H

    Can you help me find this Harry Potter fanfiction?

    A while back (years) I down loaded what I think was year 6 & 7 maybe? Of Alternative books. One thing I remember was Harry married Ginny and Harry's annimagus was a Pheonix. And what was so cool is Harry had so much more power that he'd tapped into like doing silent spells only having to touch...
  9. H

    What Utah ski resorts offer lift mountain biking?

    Can someone give me a list of lift assisted mtn biking ski resorts in Utah or idaho. I;m in south eastern Idaho so not to far away. thanks
  10. H

    Can you transfer credit from a three phone to another three phone?

    Im getting $30 of credit evry month and my mum gave the idea of sharing the credit, that way i save money too, so i wanted to know if u can transfer credit from a 3 phone to another 3 phone?
  11. H

    Way to keep using isohunt/bittorrent without my internet service provider knowing?

    i got a warning from my isp and mpaa for downloading music and movies from isohunt using bittorrent. is there anyway i can still download movies without my internet service provider knowing. is that what peerblock does?
  12. H

    Way to keep using isohunt/bittorrent without my internet service provider knowing?

    i got a warning from my isp and mpaa for downloading music and movies from isohunt using bittorrent. is there anyway i can still download movies without my internet service provider knowing. is that what peerblock does?
  13. H

    Way to keep using isohunt/bittorrent without my internet service provider knowing?

    i got a warning from my isp and mpaa for downloading music and movies from isohunt using bittorrent. is there anyway i can still download movies without my internet service provider knowing. is that what peerblock does?
  14. H

    Way to keep using isohunt/bittorrent without my internet service provider knowing?

    i got a warning from my isp and mpaa for downloading music and movies from isohunt using bittorrent. is there anyway i can still download movies without my internet service provider knowing. is that what peerblock does?
  15. H

    Way to keep using isohunt/bittorrent without my internet service provider knowing?

    i got a warning from my isp and mpaa for downloading music and movies from isohunt using bittorrent. is there anyway i can still download movies without my internet service provider knowing. is that what peerblock does?
  16. H

    Way to keep using isohunt/bittorrent without my internet service provider knowing?

    i got a warning from my isp and mpaa for downloading music and movies from isohunt using bittorrent. is there anyway i can still download movies without my internet service provider knowing. is that what peerblock does?
  17. H

    Way to keep using isohunt/bittorrent without my internet service provider knowing?

    i got a warning from my isp and mpaa for downloading music and movies from isohunt using bittorrent. is there anyway i can still download movies without my internet service provider knowing. is that what peerblock does?
  18. H

    what is a romantic vacation spot in Europe?

    Cliché, but true... Paris!
  19. H

    Do you find this true about interracial relationships?

    First of all iam a black male and that guy is not me, This is intended for black people. If you cant stand dirty comedy shows with like chris rock that use racial slurs dont watch this video i dont want to get reported so iam warning sensitive people before going to this link viewing but to me...