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  1. A

    How can Democrats complain about war costs and still support Obama?

    Do they not know with Obama there will be 2 wars now for double the price? Troops still in Iraq and thousands more to Afghanistan. I chuckle when they complain about the cost of war when with Obama, the cost will be much more.
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    Quiz for Democrats????

    Bush spent how much in 8 years? Obama spent how much in 8 weeks? Easy question for you. Who spent more?
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    When will there be a YA Politics convention?

    I would love to talk to the Liberals face to face. Vegas 2010
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    A 9/11 conspiracy theorist just debunked himself?

    I say all the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are ignorant to reality.
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    Do neocons think that the earth is still flat or its a liberal conspiracy?

    No....but we don't believe in man made global warming like you do.
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    I know this is politics, but if you like the NFL will you please sign this? It's a Brett Favre Savior. If you love seeing Brett Play, please sign.
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    why is McCain whining so much about the media coverage that Obama is getting ?

    Please post one link where McCain himself is whining. I'm waiting.....................................
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    Why do we whine when we live better than any known country in the world?

    Most people don't really appreciate freedom when they have had nothing else their entire lives................if without it for 2 months, they would show much more appreciation.
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    When will Americans strap on a pair and stop whining?

    I couldn't agree more with Gramm.
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    At what age did you start showing an interest in politics?

    For myself it was midway through college. Around 22 years old.