Search results

  1. C

    What are your favorite iphone free apps?

    In no specific order: 360 panorama flash light alarm clock data usage clear record Google earth iBooks dictionary freesausrus speed test converter ctv news find iPhone life timer water photo photosynth translator horoscopes ps express sky view free imajicam NASA lock screen yellow pages cool...
  2. C

    Where can I buy Blank DVD discs (DVD+R) that can record 240 minutes?
  3. C

    dvd shrink question????

    where can i get the latest version of dvd shrink/decrypter? Some of the most recent dvds will not copy.
  4. C

    What is the significance of the Tabernacle and the HighPriest in reference to...

    ...the life and ministry of Christ? What is the significance of the Tabernacle and the High Priest in reference to the life and ministry of Christ?
  5. C

    Bittorrent and seeding?

    dont use bittorent sites they suck!! use a different website like to download stuff. When you are done downloading something you will have to extract the file with Winrar
  6. C

    Bittorrent and seeding?

    dont use bittorent sites they suck!! use a different website like to download stuff. When you are done downloading something you will have to extract the file with Winrar
  7. C

    How do I get my internet connected again?

    Try going to (Or you router ip address) from the working computer. Type in User name: Admin Pass: admin (Or What Ever It Is) Then Click On the DCHP Tab and see if that computer's name is in the list. If it is then it is a problem with the Computers internet settings. If Not Try...
  8. C

    betta stays at bottom of tank?

    Ive had my betta now for a week and I got him a Petsmart. I have a 1 gallon with a airpump. Today I got a thermometer so i can see what the temperature is and it is 74 degreese. Tomorrow I am gonna do a water change and im gonna get a heater. All my betta does is stay at bottom of tank go up...
  9. C

    will putting a mirror at my betta fishes tank make him not depressed anymore?

    My betta fish always swims at the top corner of my 1 gallon tank. He didnt eat at all yesterday and i am very worried. I only want one betta so i said lets put a mirror at the tank. I put one next to it and he isnt at the top anymore. Will he be happier with or without a mirror??
  10. C

    betta fish swimming on top of water?

    I got my betta fish on Saturday at Petco. He is a crowntail betta. I have him in a 1 gallon tank with a small filter that makes bubbles come up. I have rocks and some fake plants in their. All he does is stay at the top of the water but he is alive. He moves sometime but he just sits their...
  11. C

    Grieving over my dog's death....?

    I am crying as I am writing this.It is almost a year since my dog Buddy died. There are times when the pain is almost unbearable. I was playing with my husky Maggie and thought OMG I used to do this with him. I work at a library and on the cover is a dog just like him. (basset/beagle) I can't...
  12. C

    Switching to VOIP and have a few questions.

    I have multiple phones no where near my modem. How will I be able to connect my other phones to the VOIP box? I have an alarm system. How can I keep it connected to the phone line? Keeping a backup lane land based line is not an option. It plugs directly into my home phone network. Need any help!!
  13. C

    System Restore?

    I have a Dell Dimension 4600 on which I want to do a clean install of Windows XP Home Edition SP1a using my Dell system recovery disc that came with the computer. I do not have an internal disc drive because the port on the inside of the computer that the ribbon cable connects to the motherboard...
  14. C

    GPS won't show up under My computer!?

    I'm using the C330 Garmin GPS and ive read people r having problems connecting it and getting it to show in My Computer. Any1 know how to fix this?!
  15. C

    File Sharing?

    Is there a way that I can share files between my iMac with Tiger, My Dell Dimension 4600 desktop with Windows XP Home Edition, and My Toshiba Satellite A215-S5837 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium?
  16. C

    Power Adapter?

    I lost the power adapter for my Casio WK-1630 keyboard and I was wonder if just any ole 12V DC adapter would work. The official adapter is a little bit over priced.. AC adapter* sorry.
  17. C

    FL Studio.?

    Any1 know where I can find some good tutorials? Besides,Youtube and the official site?