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  1. G

    What to do if in laws wont discuss holiday plans?

    My sister in law usually has us over for dinner on christmas. We have been trying to figure out if she wants us to come or not so we can plan our holiday accordingly. Now my parents would like to see us for part of the day (they dont care when and will work around our schedule). But its...
  2. G

    What is that game on blackberries that you have to fill the whole screen with one...

    ...color? Do they have it for iPod Touch?
  3. G

    What is that game on blackberries that you have to fill the whole screen with one...

    ...color? Do they have it for iPod Touch?
  4. G

    What is that game on blackberries that you have to fill the whole screen with one...

    ...color? Do they have it for iPod Touch?
  5. G

    Would you support an Internet Tea Party?

    I'll do it and I'm marching great idea the more they hear from us the better
  6. G

    What is something that can make you laugh so hard until you cry? Seriously anything. the first time I saw this
  7. G

    Swimming away from the boat...dumb move?

    easy to say from your living room
  8. G

    what's the chicago bears chances of picking up a QB in the 2009 NFL Draft?

    Pretty Good and Josh Freeman is going to be a Good NFL QB some Day maybe the Best of this Class. He is Huge Height: 6-6 Weight: 238 They will need a starter to give him 1 or 2 years to grow, Jeff Garcia would work for them.
  9. G

    What were the Living former Presidents doing at the time of Lincoln's Death?

    Pierce, Fillmore and Buchanan Did Johnson meet with them for some help or did he go it alone
  10. G

    Who should the Jets pick up in the1st round?

    A new GM Bad move getting Farve Bad move Firing Mangini
  11. G

    2004 Chevy aveo no A/C system installed..Is it possible to put one on with

    aftermarket? or with OEM? I have a chevy aveo 2004, and i just recently found out that i didn't have any a/c system, i got it from a mom and pops dealer. So i think i got jipped..i bought the car last year and just recently found out summer time that i didn't have it. I bought it winter time, so...
  12. G

    Do you think this video is funny?

    No It needs more blood or maybe crash the chair into a girls locker room, wasn't very entertaining Me and my friends would have shopping cart fights one guy in each car one pushing oh the humanity was beautiful
  13. G

    Problem with a Nintendo ds 50 games in 1 Cartridge!!

    I Purchased a nds Cartridge, It is a 50 games on 1. I could play it for a few days, but when i got my saves up it seems to have used all the free space, now it wont load any of the games, as it now says not enough free space. Anybody know how to erase or reset??? i can view all the games but...
  14. G

    Gossip girl video help?

    i saw this GG video where serena is kissing one of the guys, and she wraps her leg around him, and says its for support. i dont think it was from an episode, but i would REALLY like to know where i can see the video again. its really important.