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  1. I

    Is america's battle against islam resembling rome's battle against christianity

    America is not battling Islam. We are fighting those who use terror tactics in an attempt to achieve their goals. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by civil society.
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    What should i name my weather sattelite?

    Marion the weather satellite. No particular reason, I just think it fits.
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    Why doesn't religion ever change the way science does?

    Because the believers have always convinced themselves that people from an earlier, more primitive time figured everything out EXACTLY right. To be fair, though, religion does slowly change. The Vatican finally admitted (in 1992) that Galileo was right, and the Earth does actually move.
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    Do you think Saturn's moon Titan has oil? More oil than Earth? Or is it not oil

    It really doesn't matter what it is - it's on Titan, not Earth. If it was the best light sweet crude ever, and twenty times as much as on Earth, it wouldn't matter. There is no conceivable way that it could be brought to Earth cheaply enough to make it worthwhile.
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    Do you think Saturn's moon Titan has oil? More oil than Earth? Or is it not oil

    It really doesn't matter what it is - it's on Titan, not Earth. If it was the best light sweet crude ever, and twenty times as much as on Earth, it wouldn't matter. There is no conceivable way that it could be brought to Earth cheaply enough to make it worthwhile.
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    Do you know any books that discuss how Hollywood/ media/ arts have positively or

    You could try searching for books by the late Steve Allen. I don't know for sure that he wrote any, but I do know that in his later years he was waging a campaign against immorality in the media. I remember seeing some full-page newspaper ads from him with the headline "Hollywood is leading...
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    How do I convince people to switch to Sprint?

    If I were you, I'd give it up and find honest work somewhere. Nothing you could say would ever convince me to do business with Sprint again, after the shoddy way they treated me the last time I did business with them. Acting like they were doing me a favor taking my money every month. Screw them!
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    Catholic,when do you think this future will come?

    You seem to have missed a key point, here. "On the eve of the year 2000, a final clash between the followers of Mohammed and the Christian nations of the world will take place." It's 2008, pal. Like those before it, this prophecy fails.
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    Which religion teaches raping a girl of other religion is the greatest

    Why, are you in need of an excuse? I don't think "Jesus told me to do it." will work.
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    Think there's anything to the rumor that John McCain was reprogrammed by the

    North Vietnamese? and that he's secretly been working for them all this time? I posted it here because this is where I tend to hang out.
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    Ahtiests Favorite Religion?

    I have enormous respect for the Amish, because they actually LIVE their faith, rather than just giving it lip service, and because they don't seek to impose their views on the entire population. The fact that I view their beliefs as mistaken is irrelevant, let them believe what they wish.