Search results

  1. M

    what kind of fish for my tank?

    If you get dwarf gouramis and not get the dragon goby then you should be ok. Also watch out for aggression between the gouramis and guppy's. Good Luck
  2. M

    my fish keeps dieing, what should I do?

    ROFL..........WOW You want Your fish to stop dieing ? Read these page's.
  3. M

    African chiclids and a parret fish?

    Parrot's are not the same as africans are buddy. They should not be housed together. Don't feed then feeders, they will do just fine on cichlid pellets or sticks and will get all the nutrition they need. Feeders are bad nutritionally and also the have diseases that they pass on the the fish...
  4. M

    A fish tank light, but with no lid?

    If you haven't seen them you not looking hard enough. They sell just glass lids or lids with lights built in at any chain pet store. Pet smart,Pet-co and sometimes even Walmart (not that their a chain pet store)
  5. M

    clown fish lying on the bottom... help please?

    Did you cycle the tank before you bought the fish ? Did you mix the salt water yourself or did you buy it already mixed ? Did you condition the water before you put it in the tank ? Many many factors could have come into play here. If you are a novice fish keeper I would just chalk it up to not...
  6. M

    How to clean the water of a fish bowl that has a paradise fish in it?

    You need at least a 10 gallon tank with a filter if you expect it to live any real length of time. Water changes on a bowl should be done every 4 days. The water needs to be drained out and fresh water put back in. The new water should be treated with a high quality water conditioner to make...
  7. M

    i'm startin an arowana tank i would like to know all about them,the kind...

    The best way to keep arrowana's healthy and happy is to leave them in the wild. Here's a site for you to learn why you shouldn't keep one at home. These guys come from the tributary's of the Amazon river and prefer shaded areas of about 5 feet deep or less. They are GREAT jumpers and need a...
  8. M

    supposedly thought provoking statements (that have nothing to do with fish...)?

    1.) Sound is not only a thing we hear and interpret but it is also a physical force that produces waves of Energy in the form of vibrations. Therefore the tree does in fact make a sound no matter the human factor 2.) Man can always be intimidated by that which he does not understand. It is...
  9. M

    Fishes for a 50 US Gallon Aquarium?: PLEASE ANSWER!?

    African or New World ? There's a HUGE difference in stocking between the two. Both Continents have dwarf species so if you have a proper 50 gallon and not a 50 gallon high tank then I would say maybe 4 that get to 6in each from either. Maybe like 8 if they are dwarfs and stay between 2 - 4...
  10. M

    in mercenaries 2 I cant it wont let me talk to fiona! help!?

    I have ps2 I need to bribe some ppl but I dont know how and it said online that I needed to talk to fiona but it wont let me talk to her. I have only completed the 1st universal petroleum mission if that has anything to do with it
  11. M

    african cichlids disappearing?

    With a catfish and Cichlids its a very real possibility that the fish are getting eaten and that's why your not seeing any body's. Fish will all eat dead fish especially the catfish. But still even if that is the case you need to find out why they are dieing. Is your water ok ? ammonia - 0.0...
  12. M

    Why do all my Fish I buy die!!!!?

    The white film they are developing is a bacteria. Its easily treated although Ick meds wont work. You need a product like Maracyn which contains Erythromycin to treat bacteria outbreaks. Unlike Ick which can't survive in a tank without a host, most bacterias are always in a tank and will strike...
  13. M

    Fish dieing of Ick!? Quick help please!?

    It's the lack of heat that's killing you and your fish. At Temps above 80 Ick's life cycle runs its course in about 3 days. In cold water temps 60-70 it could take 2 weeks for its life cycle to run its course. This is why your not going to win this one. Sry to hear but I think your fish are...
  14. M

    I have a large fish tank (65??) w/ supplies can i put wild fish from my

    65 gallons ? Yes you can put 1 perch or bass in there and maybe like 5 blue gills if you want as they stay smaller. The main thing about tanks is you need to make sure the size of the fish is not to big for the tank. Like if you have a 12 inch fish, and your tank is only 12 inch wide, then you...
  15. M

    another question about fish?

    Bought 4 of what kind of algae eaters ? Please tell me their not common plecos, I hope not. Common plecos can grow anywhere from 12 inch's to 20 inch's and 1 will not be able to live in that tank let alone 4. Anyways, once the algae is gone you go to the fish store and buy algae wafers, if...
  16. M

    Can you sex my Paradise fish?

    When they get older the males will be more color full vs the female who will be more dull looking. Most of the ones in pet shops are male for this reason. Watch the barbs as they grow so the paradise fish don't get picked on. Good Luck If you post a good, high quality pic I can sex them for...
  17. M

    what kind of fish can i put with my columbian shark and is it possible to have

    Yes, any fish that swims at the surface or middle of the tank and even other bottom feeders and catfish as long as they are not big enough to fit in the Colombians mouth. The general rule with every single fish is.... " If I can fit it in my mouth, Its food"
  18. M

    Why did my oscar jump out of the tank? He died...?

    Because fish jump for one, that's why if you read any care info on them it tells you to have a tight secure lid on your tank for just this reason. Second is because he probably had an external parasite on him and the scratching and bumping around was his reaction to it which would have been your...
  19. M

    did i overfeed my fish?

    How much did you feed her ? She would have needed to eat a good amount of food for her to swell up to the size you would think its a prego. Betta's don't usually eat like that but its sure possible.
  20. M

    should I get a beta fish from walmart or pet smart?

    Save one from each store all the Betta's are bred and shipped from the same place anyways it makes no difference although at pet-smart I have actually witnessed the people working there checking on and changing Betta's water. Shocking I know. I doubt Walmart even cares. Both stores are not that...