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  1. M

    what's the truest handheld audio recorder out there?

    if my brain was a computer and a touch of the earlobe could record whatever i heard exactly as i heard it, what's the closet audio recorder that comes to it?
  2. M

    How to present a bike to a kid on christmas?

    1.) put a note on the tree (post it note'll do it) telling her she'll find her present at ______ location. 2.) put another note in the place she thought she'd find a present telling her she'll REALLY find it ____. [she'll be all excited and then see a card-play with the excitement factor push...
  3. M

    Is it ever appropriate to discuss menses in public?

    why couldn't you be friends? i say why the hell not you're comfortable with yourself she was either giving you advice, or just looking for some relation, or both. no harm.
  4. M

    Sunspot Activity and Global Cooling, why is the MSN ignoring this story?

    Perhaps because, so far, the solar minimum isn't *dramatically* longer than usual - it could well be within the normal range of variations we're familiar with, and could end in the next few months. If it goes on for another year or more, then it might be news.
  5. M

    Sunspot Activity and Global Cooling, why is the MSN ignoring this story?

    Perhaps because, so far, the solar minimum isn't *dramatically* longer than usual - it could well be within the normal range of variations we're familiar with, and could end in the next few months. If it goes on for another year or more, then it might be news.
  6. M

    jam buster electric scooter?

    have the batteries tested, sounds like not holding charge. they are expensive to renew. best of luck.
  7. M

    Are most celebrities extremely lonely?

    They are on set for 8 months at a time in a remote location far away from their significant others. The ones they love are on the other side of the world doing a movie at the same time.
  8. M

    What is your favourite game?

    Apple core Aki 123 Bad Egg Ball Tag Blind Man's Bluff British Bulldog Bullrush game Butts Up Capture the Flag Cat's cradle Chain tag Chinese jump rope Chinese whispers Chopsticks Cocky Olly Conkers Cops and robbers Dodge ball Duck Duck Goose aka Duck, Duck, Gray Duck...
  9. M

    How to deal with holiday depression?

    So I'm having the holiday blues...some people have told me that I should just keep busy. But I was wondering if that seems unhealthy because it's like I'm trying to avoid my feelings. Isn't it healthier to confront them? I don't know.
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    What's your favourite musical?

    "Singing in the Rain" & "Going My Way"
  11. M

    I lack motivation when it comes to eating healthy and exercise..?

    Any one have any advice on how to get and stay motivated!
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    Can I trust my vet if they don't know about pet nutrition?

    I know that Vet's get very little training on pet nutrition, I feel upset that they recommend Iams, Science Diet, Hill's Science and Medi-cal. They are just recommending the companies that gave them grants in school. These all contain by-products, wheat gluten and corn and not to mention they...
  13. M

    Future Horror Movies?

    The only real horror I'm looking forward to is "the Wolfman" with Benicio El Toro.
  14. M

    what is the order of the Indiana Jones movies??

    Raiders of the ark Temple of doom the LastCrusade Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
  15. M

    Batman Spoiler?????

    How many people does Two-Face kill? At the end of the movie, Gordon says Two-face has killed 5 people, 2 of them cops. On screen Two-Face only killed 2 people. The cop in the bar and Maroneys driver (obviously Maroney dies as well but it's not really established). So that's 3. Ramirez - he says...
  16. M

    Torrent, can anyone help?

    What kind of file did you dwnload? Look in the folder for where the files of the game are. there should be a program that is a keygen or a text file saying the code to use. a crack makes it so it does not need a cd. Sometimes the crack is combined into the game by people. The code requires a...