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  1. S

    Conservatives are always whining about the liberal media why dont they start their

    Why can't we simply get a news outlet that reports the news. We would all see the truth. And the truth is conservative. SFC US Army Retired
  2. S

    Just who are these 46 million Americans without Health Insurance?

    Give me facts and back them up if possible. Please be serious.
  3. S

    Why are Republicans the biggest supporters of tobacco, but the biggest fighters

    I don't suppose you have a link to the numbers you are using to make this assumption? Because this Republican being a former user of both, is against both. ( and I'll deny it still) SFC US Army Retired
  4. S

    How can Obama guarantee warranties on GM and Chrysler?

    You said it. Obama believes he is all powerful and that he can do as he pleases. this man is dangerous and needs to be removed from Washington as soon as possible. SFC US Army Retired
  5. S

    Weed becoming legal?? Or just rumors?

    Sorry but it's still only more rumor. And that's all it will ever be. SFC US Army Retired
  6. S

    How did those people whining about obama laughing on 60 Minutes forget about...

    A dinner where it is traditional for the President to poke fun at himself, VS for the First time ever the President appearing on National TV on a comedy show. No Class, None. Should we remember the Ghetto Bump and 25 DVDs? No Class. SFC US Army Retired
  7. S

    Shouldn't we all quit our whining and enjoy the one or two freedoms we have left?

    I have not surrendered any freedoms. And I don't plan to. SFC US Army Retired
  8. S

    Why do Liberals complain about City Management, public schools, when they are the...

    They're Liberals.....What more need you know. SFC US Army Retired
  9. S

    Do Republicans Get it ? Or do they get paid to rant?

    Wrong again. We want the country to succeed not fail. the problem is that we know this spending has not worked in the past for the USA or for Japan. So how is this historical spending bill going to work when it is full of pet projects. Sorry but repeating history still amounts to failure. We'll...
  10. S

    Is Nancy Pelosi's Salt Marsh Harvest mouse worth our grandchilden's future?

    They lied. What did you truly expect? And no one was even given 24 hours to read the final draft of this BS Bill. SFC US Army Retired
  11. S

    if your neighbour puts their satellite dish on ur property, what can u do legally?

    I would allow it to stay, right behind my new trees. SFC US Army Retired
  12. S

    Do you think there might be at least some truth to many of these otherwise...

    No I have looked seriously at many conspiracy theories and most have nothing at all going for them in hard facts. There are a few unanswered questions about some things that have happened but that doesn't make the conspiracy theories right. There are some minor questions about 9-11 that may...
  13. S

    A military question: Which was best--the Jeep, the M1A1 utility truck, or the HUMVEE?

    God what I would give for an old Army Jeep. pre 1975. You could fix it with a paperclip and bubblegum. SFC US Army Retired
  14. S

    Rumor leaked from Obama's transition tem has it ?

    Not going to happen. SFC US Army Retired
  15. S

    Do you trust a politician who says we need to "forget about the past and look to

    Makes me wonder what is in the past he doesn't want us to see. SFC US Army Retired
  16. S

    Will the FEMA KZ camp conspiracy theories die out now... ?

    Those were some pretty funny stories. But doesn't Obamas plans for 2 1/2 million people sound alot like the old CCC Camps.... SFC US Army Retired
  17. S

    I thought republicans didn't whine?

    She won't go away because people like you keep asking about her. And the Media is the reason she is not the VP Elect. I know that the Obama supporters won't admit it but it's been proven well enough for me to know it as fact. SFC US Army Retired
  18. S

    whats your opinion on the 9/11 conspiracies true or not?

    Most Americans who can read and think for themselves do not believe these crazy theories.