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  1. N

    do you think the Fred Rogers biopic will show His time as a special forces...

    Depends on how many details they actually have, since many of his missions were solo.
  2. N

    Is it true arguing with an atheist is like smashing your head into a

    Smashing your head into a wall is the wrong tool. So is argument when evidence is what you need. That is the case when making theistic claims.
  3. N

    Why do atheists like to try to put away evolution when it comes to the

    Our ability to perceive things does seem to be a product of the evolution of our sensory organs, etc. When it comes to the mind, however, things get a bit more tricky. There is evidence that suggests consciousness is basic to the universe, for instance.(1) Complexity of organisms would then only...
  4. N

    Atheists, what if Jesus Christ turns out to be real? What are your thoughts if it...

    If the Jesus of the Bible exists, then your supposed God has purposefully created a universe that cannot be adequately reasoned about, and left us to solve problems at the point of a gun.
  5. N

    Atheists, is it bcos the world religions have been ridiculously pictured by

    It is your inability to understand evolution that leads to this question, not anything to do with me.
  6. N

    Does the outline of the introduction to my irrefutable proof of the

    No, it's just as much bollocks as any argument based solely on logic that is supposed to establish an existence claim.
  7. N

    Atheist ; If you believe that there is no God and you also dont believe in

    The universe was not created. Hope that helps.
  8. N

    Have you noticed that a lot of former Christians came from overly...

    People from strict homes, ironically, are more likely to reflect more on what they are asked to believe. Nothing could be more likely to produce an atheist than deep consideration of religion.
  9. N

    Does anyone know of any other little-known quotes by famous people?

    "I drank what?" ~Socrates "I said the monks should celebRate" ~ God "I'm not paying the maid that much, even if she is in a union." ~ Karl Marx
  10. N

    How can one logically argue for the existance of God?...?

    No, they need only consider the possibilities that evidence supports.
  11. N

    Doesn't the constant rabid attacks in this forum on Jesus Christ not prove all...

    If something good happens, it;'s a blessing. If something undesired happens, it's a test, or a fulfillment of prophecy, or some other spin. The major religions have survived because they've rigged the game so that nothing can falsify them. This is exactly why they are nonsense.
  12. N

    Compare Muslim reaction of Muhammad cartoons, with Christian reaction to film...

    I'm going to wait around and get a good belly laugh if some Christian has the nerve to ask for evidence.
  13. N

    How do you replace the sway bar links on a 2003 Toyota Echo?

    I am thinking of replacing them on a friend's car and the job looks relatively easy to do according to her, just some bolts to undo and the replace once the part is taken off and replaced, but can't really find any detailed information online on how to do it or even what the part looks like.
  14. N

    ATHEISTS: Do you all know that you all are fulfilling the prophecy of the end times?

    All this shows is that desert nomads still understand propaganda. They saw how weak their claims are, and thus knew that reasonable people would scoff. Since there is no evidence things are any worse now than ever, where's the "wrath"?
  15. N

    Is science a more reliable source to know about the world than religion and

    Science is a philosophy, thus fits within the larger field of philosophy in general. The philosophy of science is the basis of the method, it's application, and how we go about interpreting data. To see this basic point, just look at the highest degree one can acheive in most academic fields...
  16. N

    Christians: Do you realise how bizarre it seems from the outside to see you

    Catholics and Protestant have different Bibles, with a different number of books, etc. Even amongst Protestants, the teachings within the books are often seen differently, even in structure. For instance, how the ten commandments are divided up is different for many sects. What such...
  17. N

    Debate between an Atheist and a Muslim - Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

    This is a question and answer forum, not a discussion board.
  18. N

    Why is evolution "Satan's gossip" but..?

    Antibiotics, vaccines and heart transplants, as part of modern medicine, require evolution to explain.
  19. N

    A question for all Atheists and Christians bickering on this site...?

    If theists stop influencing society, I'll leave them alone.