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  1. J

    Is Sarah Palin really Anne Coulter's long lost, evil, moose hunting twin?

    kelly v: you are beneath contempt. I love women but I despise evil, power abusing, lying women who have no souls. YOU are the sexist here.
  2. J

    How can I transfer all my contacts from identical phones using Bluetooth?

    I have an old Samsung M300 (Bluetooth enabled) and I want to transfer all of my contacts to the new Samsung M300. Please tell me how to do this or I will be doing this for hours. Thank you!
  3. J

    Spiritually speaking, is it possible for a Cadillac Escalade to ever have... Obama sticker on its bumper? On the other hand, would it ever be possible for a Prius to sport a McCain sticker? Or can "God" override human nature as it pertains to people's vehicles?
  4. J

    Will drugs help me find your religion?

    Because logic and faith have not worked at all. Thumbs down to those who feel they have to answer using scripture.
  5. J

    Is it fair to say that Abrahamic religions treat their women the way that their

    gods treat their followers? In other words, women are subjugated by their men (unfairly, it seems to me) but that is just a reflection of how religious adherents are subjugated (and treated unfairly) by their gods. So the men abuse the little power they have because they themselves are being...