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  1. J

    If you are a good christian,catholic,etc. please answer my questions?

    Those assumptions you list seem reasonable facts about God. It makes sense or at least cannot be proved wrong that God would never eat. Yet God in fact may eat but what and how and why? The problem many continue to make is the assumption that God sits up in the clouds with a long white beard...
  2. J

    How does Tobacco cause wrinkled skin?

    takes away some of the moisture from body, plus the smoke in the face is not good for the skin
  3. J

    When the 'Mayan prophecy' spectacularly flops (and it surely will)...?

    Why are the powers that be moving every cnut from Africa, and Asia into Europe even though the populace did not democraticaly vote for mass immigration from Africa, and Asia into Europe?
  4. J

    Obama had a chance to show he was a leader in his speech today so, why did he just...

    He has had many, many chances to show he was a leader, but he always fails, because he is NOT a leader. He is a loser. And some people yawn at that
  5. J

    Do you approve of the way Roger Goodell is acting as NFL commisioner?

    Goodell is a racist who does only what his handlers (the owners) tell him to do. He's a joke, but at least he's not a Selig...
  6. J

    Does anyone know what is needed to watch blueray netflix on your pc min specs req?

    I was just wondering what would be the best possiable setup to work with hd content and what does netflix support. say 1080p i wanna watch what kind of computer and internet speed would i need the minimum and also what is the max qaulity they offer beyond 1080??? If so and i was looking for the...
  7. J

    Does anyone know what is needed to watch blueray netflix on your pc min specs req?

    I was just wondering what would be the best possiable setup to work with hd content and what does netflix support. say 1080p i wanna watch what kind of computer and internet speed would i need the minimum and also what is the max qaulity they offer beyond 1080??? If so and i was looking for the...
  8. J

    Biggest Jerk Owners on Pro Sports?

    As much as I'd like to say it's Hank Steinbrenner, after reading how Donald Sterling refused to pay for his head coach's cancer treatment the list of choices is: 1) Donald Sterling 2) Hank Steinbrenner 3) Virginia McCaskey 4) Donald Sterling 5) Donald Sterling
  9. J

    Cards and Prnce Albert: Extension talks about to be canned?

    The Media buzz is that Albert Pujols and the Cardinals aren't going to get an extension done, meaning the Prince of St. Louis may be a free agent in 2012. It's been reported that Pujols wants a 10-year deal worth $300,000,000 and when you consider that Yankee poser Alex Rodriguez will make...
  10. J

    How would you rate Sam Bradford's rookie year?

    Bradford has the misfortune of following some pretty good rookie quarterbacks into the league in recent years. Joe Flacco and Matt Ryan took their teams to the playoffs while Mark Sanchez made the playoffs with the Jets. Ryan had an 87.7 passer rating as a rookie while Flacco's was 80.3...
  11. J

    We all know the word vacation, and the recent new one "staycation" wherein?

    you stay home cuz of finances. Can we think of other versions - like going to work on a farm is a "haycation" or staying in a house near a bay is a "baycation". Let's hear your ideas - must rhyme with Vay or bay or hay, etc.
  12. J

    What are some good ringtones?

    if one of them has bad news all the time make it the "da da da duuuuumm" tone
  13. J

    Poll: Do you have a sense of humor?

    def do. i make others laugh
  14. J

    Who is the best comedian to watch if I'm trying to develop a sarcastic sense

    Nick DiPaolo is good at that sort of thing. Look him up on
  15. J

    I have a sony ericsson w200a anyone know what the settings are for att

    picture messaging? i have the se w200a problem is i cant send picture messages or send a txt but i can recieve att txt telling me 2 add minutes thats all what info do i need and where do i put it?? i added the http:// address for cingular in the message settings under messages like the lady...
  16. J

    I have a sony ericsson w200a anyone know what the settings are for att

    picture messaging? i have the se w200a problem is i cant send picture messages or send a txt but i can recieve att txt telling me 2 add minutes thats all what info do i need and where do i put it?? i added the http:// address for cingular in the message settings under messages like the lady...
  17. J

    Did Mr. Rogers ever lose his temper?

    one time, when his sweater had a hole in it and he blamed some kids .....they all denied it
  18. J

    Did Mr. Rogers ever lose his temper?

    one time, when his sweater had a hole in it and he blamed some kids .....they all denied it
  19. J

    Do you ever snort when you laugh?

    I love when i can get a woman to snort like that. it is a victory for me as the joke musta been extra funny
  20. J

    POLL:isn't it funny when someone......?

    that is weird indeed I hope u r brushing with a soft toothbrush and away from the gums.