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  1. B

    Atheists: Are you upset over the insults people giving you in this section?

    We're not a religion at all. You obviously don't understand what atheism is--or proper spelling either: it's "you're," not "your."
  2. B

    Wouldn't it be funny to watch Jersey Shore fans (and fans of these reality

    I figure they suffer enough, trying to get through life with such substandard intelligence. Imagine what it's like to never really understand what's going on.
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    Could I have Bell's Palsy? Or What?

    My husband just got over Bell's Palsy. The right side of his face was drooping; specifically, his eye and his mouth. I don't know if it can be Bell's Palsy if you only feel numb but your face isn't physically drooping. The other symptoms are also troubling. You should get this checked out...
  4. B

    Skills Survey: Do you know how to?

    Do you know how to: 1. Swim? 2. Whistle? 3. Ride a bike? 4. Play an instrument? 5. Drive? 6. Cook? 7. Dance? 8. Speak a foreign language? 9. Change a diaper? 10. Play Poker? 11. Fish? 12. Ski? 13. Rollerblade or skateboard? 14. Use a compass? 15. Read Roman Numerals? 16. Sing? 17. Please name a...
  5. B

    Poll: When are the best years of a person's life?

    Please say why you believe so. And state your age if you're comfortable with it.
  6. B

    What are the differences between Cinderella's story and the tale of the shoe by

    First, you need to specify which Cinderella story you're talking about. There are literally hundreds of different versions of that basic story, set in different cultures and time periods,but you should use the one by Perrault. That's the one most people think of as the "original." There are...
  7. B

    Book report on ben me!!!?

    First, this belongs in the Homework Help section. Second, it's ridiculous to think we're all sitting around with a copy of Franklin's autobiography handy. If you're really having trouble, go to the library and ask the librarian for help. But, read something else, even wikipedia, to learn...
  8. B

    Is the "Race Card" getting out of hand when Al Sharpton and the Black Pather Party

    I don't believe half of what you wrote. I'm waiting for your story about the person in front of you at the supermarket who paid with food stamps and then got into a late-model Cadillac. That story is always popular with your crowd. And the term is "racially biased," not "bias." For some...
  9. B

    Give me a good review about The Bell Jar?

    Do you mean a summary, or a review from when it was published?
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    Could Lord of the Flies really happen? Where kids kill each other?

    Sure, it could happen--but the book is fictional.
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    what is a good deer hunting rifle for a 14 year old? 10 pts best answer.?

    I don't believe in giving rifles to 14-year-olds. And leave the poor deer alone. It's not like you have to eat them to survive.
  12. B

    what is a good deer hunting rifle for a 14 year old? 10 pts best answer.?

    I don't believe in giving rifles to 14-year-olds. And leave the poor deer alone. It's not like you have to eat them to survive.
  13. B

    Is the inspector Gadget theme song the best cartoon theme song ever?

    All shows used to have actual theme songs. We've got nothing like the theme from Gilligan's Island, the Beverly Hillbillies or Mr. Ed anymore. (Or Mary Tyler Moore, or Mission Impossible, etc. etc.) As far as cartoons, I always liked Magilla Gorilla's theme song. :-)
  14. B

    I'm worried about this trip? Advice?

    The plane is a minor part of this. That'll be just fine. I recommend you get "Ear Planes" at your local drugstore. They help to equalize the pressure in your ears. Since you haven't flown before, you don't know if this will bother you. It always bothered me, but since I got Ear Planes, I...
  15. B

    What is a old Hollywood Hairstyle.?

    Wavy and dipped over one eye would be very like old Hollywood.
  16. B

    If it were not for US would there be any hope for peace in the world?

    Your first question has little to do with the rest of it. If there ever is a WWIII, the United States will be right in the middle of it. I don't notice that the U.S. was able to stop the first two world wars.
  17. B

    Is it just me or does Michelle Obama look like Gizmo from Gremlins?

    It's just you. Perhaps you should schedule an eye exam.
  18. B

    Is the President elect a celebrity-what has he acomplished for u that makes him

    LOL. Wasn't being elected President of the United States by a huge majority enough for you? And unless President-elect Obama himself was hawking stuff on HSN, I don't see how this is relevant. I'm sure Bush would have done it, but nobody wanted anything with his picture on it. Edit: What...
  19. B

    Any suggestions on good books about Nostradamus, his history or his predictions?

    I'd head to your local library and ask the librarian to help you locate some books. It's good that you're seeking information, and you'll probably find it interesting. You may reach the conclusion that it's nonsense, as I have, but the first step in deciding what you think is to gather...