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  1. M

    What problems might a beginner writer run into when attempting to write a series?

    And do you have any helpful advice on how to deal with such problems? Thanks.
  2. M

    how do you send pictures from yahoo to my phone with a straighttalk phone?

    or any other free thing that sends photos to your phone.
  3. M

    I have a question on religion?

    If your saved that is you put your trust an faith in Jesus and have a desire to know God better and that He is all you want to please. than you are saved. But if you have trouble serving Him i would doubt your salvation. The first thing you do is obey God and be baptized. Baptized is a witness...
  4. M

    How exactly isn't the Catholic religion a part of Christianity?

    Who said they weren't.
  5. M

    in what ways has religion ruined people's personal lives?

    It has not ruined my life it enriched it. Gave me a purpose. The people that has been ruined by it are people that claim they are christian but are not and try to obey rules and regulations.They are phonies. and it is hard to make believe. A true christian is not ruined by their faith.
  6. M

    How do I use these prophecy cards?

    see how many you can flip into the garbage can.
  7. M

    What do i do with the Fun*keys things i just got?

    I bought the started pack and two more cute add ons. I've downloaded it, i've made an account and played with the two different starter ones, but the other two i bought won't work. a screen come up saying something about calling the operaters. ummm, and what are my goals? is there any goals or...
  8. M

    How do you put a video on a sony walkman mp3?

    i'm so lost. =/ i;m using FrostWire and Musicmatch Jukebox i downloaded the video on frostwire but i dont know how to transfer it to MMJ. Do i need another program? >:/
  9. M

    I am thinking about getting DSL so I can talk on the phone at the same time I am on

    the internet.My question ? is which one is the best and easy to hook up.and cheaper?Plus can you tell me what DSL means?I am not that smart in computer's.
  10. M

    Christian Religion and Buddhist Philosophy?

    Every religion has good morals. but if you start listening to them you will eventually leave God and His bible. its a fact. The bible say not to get involved in the philosophies of the world He has a reason for that.