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  1. D

    Liberals are whining nepotism when Jenna Bush Hager got a job at Today?

    I didn't hear any whining. In fact, I've yet to hear of anyone who gives a hoot.
  2. D

    Can you blame liberal women for being feminist or lesbians when most liberal men...

    And I suppose Lindsey Ghramm is the ultimate Republican he-man? LOL...he's a fem
  3. D

    Where does the left get their historical facts from, the fictional and sci-fi...

    Come on, Old Goat. Be serious. Its not the left who are trying to force Intelligent(?) Design into science books.
  4. D

    Where does the left get their historical facts from, the fictional and sci-fi...

    Come on, Old Goat. Be serious. Its not the left who are trying to force Intelligent(?) Design into science books.
  5. D

    Do We Know Any Of The Religions Of Obama's Administration Picks?

    Doesn't matter--we are free to practice whatever religion we want to
  6. D

    Why is it 90% of the questions in politics are from cons?

    Because they're allowing patients access to PCs in psycho wards now
  7. D

    What does it accomplish to complain about the government's policies if you don't

    Yes, I agree with you. Criticize all you want but offer something substantial. The Reps have not done so. They even fought over that pamphlet they offered as an alternate
  8. D

    How do I dodge the Military Draft, that passed the house?

    Breathe such thing is going to happen. Please provide a factual link...not a link to You tube
  9. D

    Do you trust your children's future to Barack Hussein Obama?

    Yes sir..much more than Bush. Never mind the debt Bush put us into....thats soooo last year, huh?
  10. D

    When will there be a YA Politics convention?

    I would love to talk to Cons face to face. Say where and when
  11. D

    If you were asked to pick up a gun and shoot your opposing party members because...

    No. I don't take my marching orders from drug addicts
  12. D

    Has Obama filled all the positions in his administration of Change and...

    He's being praised for his cabinet picks..
  13. D

    Why does everyone blame religion for the Jim Jones suicides, when he was a

    Huh? I never thought it was religion-based..just looney-based
  14. D

    Toyota lost money and sales this year. Can we blame the UAW?

    for this too?
  15. D

    Anyone have a good recipe for chocolate martinis? ?

    I tried to make them with a store bought mix, and yuck! It was horrible!
  16. D

    How many Republicans own a Subaru?

    Subaru's are good cars..don't knock 'em..Hippie or not.
  17. D

    Can you believe that Chrysler wants bailout money and then does this?

    Disgusting and the banking industry did the same thing
  18. D

    Can you believe that Chrysler wants bailout money and then does this?

    Disgusting and the banking industry did the same thing