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  1. J

    Why do presidents take so much vacation time?

    All presidents take time off, Eisenhower was the most famous golfer, and he even build Camp David just outside of DC to have a presidential retreat on weekends, something all presidents since then enjoy. The president never actually gets away, he is always hooked up to communications, and the...
  2. J

    Are you standing in a Black Friday line in hopes that you will get the

    They might just as well respect me, and my political views because I don't bother with their gadgets, having gifted from 8 tracks to DVD to iPod this and that, I just don't care anymore. My kids are grown, and they do well, and they usually respect me, and they pretty much share my political...
  3. J

    Please riddle me this?

    I'm all in favor of people thinking they are doing the right thing, I don't even like the idea that thinking that they are doing the wrong thing is appealing. But it can be done politely, and with civility. That's what seems to be missing from life as we know it. Concern, compassion, sensibility...
  4. J

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    A windfall tax ensures that over a certain level of profit the company cannot just continue to raise prices because the company will not be accruing addition money, the excess, or windfall, will be taken in taxes so there is a disincentive to raise prices arbitrarily. There is no reason to...
  5. J

    If Rush's predictions are correct and Americans will begin to riot after

    I'm sitting this one out, I was too young for the French Revolution and I'm too old for this one. Anytime you keep a foot on the neck of the majority of people you run the risk of making people desperate enough to riot. You can tell people this over and over and they still just don't get it...
  6. J

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    A windfall tax ensures that over a certain level of profit the company cannot just continue to raise prices because the company will not be accruing addition money, the excess, or windfall, will be taken in taxes so there is a disincentive to raise prices arbitrarily. There is no reason to...
  7. J

    I thought Joe Miller believed in the democratic process, how come he is...

    He didn't get beat by a couple of hundred, or even a couple of thousand, in a state of a little over six hundred thousand total population, he's losing by ten thousand votes, that's too much to ask for a recount in any state. Ms. Murkowski has a lead of about 10,000 votes, a total that includes...
  8. J

    Why did disgraceful war criminal Bush say his ''most disgusting'' moment...

    I heard him say that too in an interview, so it is accurate. And dumb. But then again he says the worst mistake of his presidency was allowing the photographer to take his picture our the window of his jet as he flew over New Orleans, saying he didn't know it was so bad. Four days after the...
  9. J

    Liberals: Are you even defending Obama for his handling of this cruise ship

    They didn't eat lobster and that's a major problem? The fire was out before we even heard about it, and the company is refunding their money and giving them a free cruise. I'll sleep on the deck without the comfort of air conditioning for a couple on nights. Gosh, we are just so spoiled that...
  10. J

    Why do democrats complain that republicans won't compromise?

    Well they complain because that's what the Republicans say they will do, not compromise. They aren't limiting it to what you believe though, they do not intend to compromise on anything, and they are only one part of the government. In time like this that may not fly to the benefit of the...
  11. J

    Are the Europeans flooding America to get away from eight weeks

    They come to visit,not work here. They think we are backward and gauche. It is Americans wandering the streets, living under bridges, getting their homes foreclosed and having their jobs go to India. Europeans have always been more protectionists than we are. They have four weeks, not eight of...
  12. J

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    A windfall tax ensures that over a certain level of profit the company cannot just continue to raise prices because the company will not be accruing addition money, the excess, or windfall, will be taken in taxes so there is a disincentive to raise prices arbitrarily. There is no reason to...
  13. J

    Are the Europeans flooding America to get away from eight weeks

    They come to visit,not work here. They think we are backward and gauche. It is Americans wandering the streets, living under bridges, getting their homes foreclosed and having their jobs go to India. Europeans have always been more protectionists than we are. They have four weeks, not eight of...
  14. J

    Why would someone block me, and then complain about liberal moonbats blocking him?

    Is there a tendency for Conservatives not to notice that they do what they complain about others doing? I went to answer the question a few minutes before this one about liberal moonbats and I found out I was blocked by the same person complaining about being blocked, conservative hypocrisy at...
  15. J

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    A windfall tax ensures that over a certain level of profit the company cannot just continue to raise prices because the company will not be accruing addition money, the excess, or windfall, will be taken in taxes so there is a disincentive to raise prices arbitrarily. There is no reason to...
  16. J

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    A windfall tax ensures that over a certain level of profit the company cannot just continue to raise prices because the company will not be accruing addition money, the excess, or windfall, will be taken in taxes so there is a disincentive to raise prices arbitrarily. There is no reason to...
  17. J

    Liberals are whining nepotism when Jenna Bush Hager got a job at Today?

    Welcome to the world baby, that's how its done. They can't hire you if they don't know about you. BTW, I heard no whining, just a smile or two.
  18. J

    Is Letterman disappointed that the Palins won't show up on his show to...

    Smokin' that funny stuff again I see. Palin doesn't like to appear anywhere but FOX. Considering she spent months calling Obama every name in the book, shes a hot one to talk about a comedian.Maybe shes' jealous, Letterman has his own show, with her degree in communications, maybe that's what...
  19. J

    What do you think is Hillary's future plans?? We all know she is going to run in...

    Shes not going to run, she will be old enough to want out by then or at least stay on as Secretary of State. Shes still got debt and the last time she ran she was totally put off by the bizarre reporting. We lost a better man than Obama when she withdrew, something I've yet to forgive the...
  20. J

    Is the all emphasis on how bad things are in the economy a self fullilling prophecy?

    No, when we are suffering it does actually help to learn what people do in a downturn, especially since the last bad one was so long ago. No cheery stories will get investors back into the market, with fifty billion out of their pockets due to Madoff alone, and more losses reported each day...