Search results

  1. R

    What kind of "When I was your age" stories will you be telling your future

    "When I was your age, the worst singer of all time came to be: Rebecca Black."
  2. R

    Air force...bioenviromental engineer or eod?

    I have the choice to take a ship date in January for a bioenviromental engineer or wait until May to get EOD. from what I have heard bioenvironmetal engineer is a pretty rough job. does anyone have that job and actually enjoy it? or would it be worth it for me to wait the 4 extra months?
  3. R

    When was the last time you had a good scream?

    Here's your chance! Give me your best!!!
  4. R

    Which is a better punchline?

    A! Funny!
  5. R

    Is there one celebrity that you just want to smack the crap out of? If so, who?

    Do you realize that this Q has been asked only about a thousand times? Miley Cyrus each of the Jonas Brothers too....... =o
  6. R

    Help! internet slow ..what could be the prob? ?

    i never had a prob. with my internet but this past week its being really slow! the weathers great so i dont think it is whats causing it to slow down . I even deleted all the browsing history/cookies but that didnt help. Also my computer monitor makes this buzzing sound every once in awhile...
  7. R

    is their a way I can download ringtones of internet without a web enabled

    cellphone or a plug-in, or texting? Just the question above.