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  1. S

    Jews, Muslims, etc. believe in God -- yet the atheists usually only dump on

    False assumption: I think all religions and superstitions are equally unfounded If I lived in a society where another religion was dominant, I'd criticise that just as much. As it is, where I live the christians have the most impact and therefore need to be pulled up. And you'll also find...
  2. S

    did you know hitler was a christian?

    Yes. The KKK is also a christian organisation
  3. S

    Non-believers - how do you distinguish when you are using humor to bash...

    Yeah, you keep on believing that our arguments against silly religions are based on some kind of personal lack Meanwhile, I'll get on with my happy and fulfilled life (no "emotional pains" here, buddy!) Here's the "proof" - I'm much happier now than when I was a christian. How about you...
  4. S

    Dear Atheists.... If religion was not invented by man, will it mean that man

    What you are explaining is actually how religion has hampered human progress, by providing pat, nonsensical "answers" and then forbidding exploration of the real explanation If people accepted that "god did it" was the answer, we'd still be grovelling around in caves wearing animal skins (and...
  5. S

    I am having a debate SCIENCE vs RELIGION - need pointers.?

    Yes, you are stumped. You've fallen into the "god of the gaps" trap While scientists don't necessarily know what "started" the big bang (some say it's part of a perpetual expansion/contraction cycle), there's nothing to say that whatever it was was actually a god of any kind.
  6. S

    Atheists and Christians: What is you take on Nostrodamus?

    Nonsensical ramblings that can be twisted to fit just about any occurrence your like - as with the "prophesies" in the bible, for that matter
  7. S

    If you believe in god, but not in a religion, then what *do* you believe or follow?

    So here's a thing. Many people here, when asked if they believe in god, say "yes, but not in any of the religions" OK. What I want to know is, on what do you base your belief? How do you know if your interpretation or understanding is any closer to the truth than that of the organized...
  8. S

    Do you think Hollywood uses athiest propaganda to try and manipulate us...

    oh dear, you do have a persecution complex, don't you! There's no agenda. Films, in general, mirror society. If anything, Hollywood films still tend to have a simplistic moral outcome - the bad guy still gets it, the good guy still marries the girl. I can't think of a film in the last 20...
  9. S

    "The sad thing is that there is no cure for religion when first infected... ?

    ...the only way out is to find out for yourself. Any outside pressure will only worsen the delusion, so the best weapon against religion is to ignore it." The above quote comes from a very interesting discussion about education and religion on the Times HES website...
  10. S

    Are there any religions that wear nose studs? Need answers ASAP :)?

    I think Hindus do I have my nose pierced too, but waited til I was 18
  11. S

    Do you think Y!A should just get rid of the religion section?

    Much as i'd like t see the world free of religion, I don't think getting rid of R&S would help. After all, it seems to be the liveliest bit of the whole Answers! thing. I also don't really understand why I should have "respect" for religion. I don't have special respect for political beliefs...
  12. S

    Since marriage is a religious institution, and religion is corrupt, does

    Marriage isn't a religious institution. In many places, if you want a religious marriage you have to have a separate service because religious ones aren't recognised (e.g. France, Italy) What is interesting is that you are more likely to get divorced if you are a believer (I'll find the...
  13. S

    "atheism means being strongly against religion to the point of practicing rituals

    "atheism means being strongly against religion to the point of practicing rituals that defy it" Is this true? Someone (not me!) just posted this in an answer to another question. What I'd like to know is: What are these rituals I should be practicing? Why didn't somebody tell me...
  14. S

    Have you ever met someone from the house of Yahweh?

    The house of Yahweh? Sounds like an out-of-town furniture store. Perhaps it only sells crosses and prayer rugs