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  1. R

    Hp android Ti-Phone A88 bootloop?

    gan, gimana caranya betulin hp Ti-phone a88 saya yg bootloop (kalo di hidupin cuma mentok di logo) thanks
  2. R

    What do gay men think of gay women?

    Usually lesbians admire Gay men.. i don't know if Gay men would admire lesbians though. my opinion is that both are pouring salted water to grow a flower... so both aren't doing what is right and better for their own soul. but they suffer a lot in the process and they may suddenly come to...
  3. R

    Can I get more bars if I change from an at&t SIM card to a Verizon SIM card...?

    Your phone would have to be able to work on verizons network, which is cdma. At&t is gsm. Usually, you can't use phones from one network on the other.
  4. R

    What escape/alt. reality do all the characters in Wilde's play 'The Importance...

    ...of Being Earnest' have? How is this shown/seen? (Where? Why would one think so?)
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    Where i download the Applications,Themes and Games For Sony Ericsson P1i and i...

    ...need opera mobile9.5 finger tou? mobile downloads
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    how to operate the TV out Option in Nokia N900?

    Anyone tell me how to connect the TV out cable of the Nokia N900 series phone to TV and watch the videos in mobile through the TV..
  7. R

    how to operate the TV out Option in Nokia N900?

    Anyone tell me how to connect the TV out cable of the Nokia N900 series phone to TV and watch the videos in mobile through the TV..
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    No other area will reply to my question/ranting...will you?

    it's obvious that u r totaly lost ..... what do u want me 2 tell u .... pray??? no ... it doesnt work.... i dunno if u r religious or not .... so if u wanna pray ... it's ok it.. but that's not gonna work .... all u have 2 do is 2 be optimistic ... n love life .. no matter how hard it...
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    my Telus LG 8100 is not working?

    I have a Telus LG 8100 and the screen just flashes and says Telus. This insodent happend 2 months after my warrenty ended. I have to hold the powere button for a long long time and then it says telus then it turns off... Any ideas of what is wrong with it.
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    recipe for avocado milk shake?

    is this good for diabetic people and people who are fat?