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  1. T

    Where is this Video?!?

    I saw it a really long time ago. It's this short animation about a guy who was asleep, and is woken up by his phone ringing. He answers it and some crazy guy starts singing a song using the beeps the buttons of the phone for music. PLEASE HELP ME!!!
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    Toronto RAPTORS are the money ball all business swagger that team that plays no... LOL? Dis team is rockin and rollin right now i mean if you are in the t-dot area ef the bay area t-dot fo lyfe also westside(kobe) anyways this team is killin it they ar the bomb seriously they got all shooters demar playing all star level tross rookie who should enter the 3pt compo...
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    Can i mine or cash in bitcoins in Macedonia?

    I just discovered bitcoin and i started mining today using GUI Miner im runing on AMD Radeon 7600 but in the console it says verification failed check hardware
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    Help with 2006 dodge ram?

    I have a 2006 dodge ram with manual windows and locks and was looking to convert them to powered ones. I'm after a kit for each one, or a kit that includes both, but I'm having trouble finding a good one. The power locks are more important to me at the moment. I would like a kit that would...
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    My ringtone wont play all the way through?

    I have a Galaxy S3, that for quite some time has worked just fine. No bugs. Nothing. About a week ago, my ring tone quit playing all the way through. It will play just a little blip of noise. I tried changing it to another tone, and for a day or so it worked. It however returned to its old way...
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    What is the microphone below the front camera of my iphone for?

    You see , a drop of water went into the microphone below the front camera of my iphone 5 . I want to know what is it for ?
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    Would Lincoln still be revered if he hadn't been martyred?

    It's funny how history can be written to glorify someone to mythical proportions. Politics is the art of convincing people that you are not a bad person, and the public's ways of knowing who their politicians really were back then was delayed, carefully crafted newspaper articles. He was a...
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    Please! I need immediate answers! Samsung Galaxy 3 withou phone and txt

    iPod touch 5g(blue) if your not gonna be able to call with the gs3 unless you have wifi, then you might as well just get the iPod because you can also call and text if you have wifi. I also prefer apple better than android.
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    Is the 1993 Dodge Ram ugly?

    Ugly is what's on the inside, unless its a car, then I depends on the person / people but other than that it seems pretty basic the colors on some of the ones I saw don't realy suit the car though but that's just me, and probi ly some of the people you're referring to.
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    Thoughts on the Blackberry 10?

    Get an Android
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    Is it true that only those who follow or believe in Christ go to heaven?

    So according to the statement be many Christians, Moses, Buddha, Muhammad, Gandhi, Japanese inventors, Julius Caesar, and many others may burn in hell instead. Please do not report this question, I am only asking for religious guidance.
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    Can oral analgesic help a cold sore ?

    Does it help prevent it of you get the beginning signs of a cold sore ?
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    Is there any iPhone app that let's you download apps in .avi, .rar format?

    There's a ton of apps that let you download .mp4 files, but do you know of any that can download other, or all types?
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    Does Judaism have the most morally superior solution for dealing with adulterous...

    ...spouses? Deuteronomy 22:22 says, "If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel."
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    RIDDLE! First right answer gets best answer.?

    A matter transporter and an eyeball transplant....duh
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    what are the global predictions of wind turbine energy producing technology...

    Hope the wind turbines don't take off... I don't know how to steer one of those things?
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    i bought a sony ericsson xperia arc s and it drops signals during call?

    i bought a sony ericsson xperia arc s and it drops signals during call after a minute or sometimes after 2 o 3 minutes and after some seconds signals appears what should i do
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    Why do most Christian women not follow the Christian teaching of chastity?

    I've been meeting plenty of women who are Christians as potential dating partners. However, I was unsettled by the fact that all of them have a sêxual history of immorality. As a result of their lack of chastity, I, a virgin, decided not to pursue a relationship with any of these women. Why...
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    What's the best way to become a fan of UFC/MMA?

    Ok, I've never watched any MMA before, but I recently played, and than later bought the newest UFC video game. I'm hooked. I've had more fun watching the videos that come with the game, than playing it. Problem is, I have no idea how to even watch UFC or MMA in general regularly So my questions...