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  1. R

    Atheists, which Religion is the worst in your opinion?

    I feel most sorry for those entrapped within the Abrahamic machine. I despise any political organisation that controls it`s flock with myths, fantasies and fairy tales.
  2. R

    im going to tell the future?

    My friends name is Twun Tee Wun. Wanna swap? I can arrange that for a small fee. @ Iranian... What about Alexander THE Great. Edward THE Confessor and Popeye THE Sailor Man then eh? eh? eh?
  3. R

    Christians and Atheists?

    ...and your question is?
  4. R

    What is the religion call SDA about? Are they Christians?

    They are American so I guess they would be Christian of some type or other.
  5. R

    Non-Christians - what happens after death?

    Nothing, you are dead.
  6. R

    Should any topic be immune from humour?

    There is humour in every situation.
  7. R

    So i asked the athiests now it's the christians turn?

    `Because it's proven the bible isn't a dorect translation of the sanskrit`(sic) It was written almost entirely in Koine Greek!
  8. R

    Since Christians think that every non-Christian is beneath them, where's...

    Almost ALL religions teach exclusivity implying that to be a sheep in their flock will make you a better person than others. Christianity is no different.
  9. R

    does anyone else get a good laugh out of the atheists and the christians going at it

    The Truth v, Fairytales Yeah... funny, but ultimately very sad when you remember that we are in the 21stC. It is one of the things that has helped to isolate the USA from the modern and civilsed world.
  10. R

    What are you willing to sacrifice for Jesus Christ?

    The Pope and Hilary Clinton.
  11. R

    Does religion cause war?

    Yes and religion is used by your masters to justify torture and death. Only recently GWB said `God told me to invade Iraq*` and the indoctrinated hoard believed him whilst the civilised world gasped with shock and amazement!
  12. R

    What is the mind-set of a person who will worry about a dead sattelite hitting...

    WO! Fox says it`ll hit the USA. Yeah I will think of it I am in Malaysia.
  13. R

    Tesco to introduce ‘Sad Meals-For-One’ range?

    Are they any good? There is nothing like that in our usual thrice weekly Fortnum and Masons `Romantic Hamper for Two` the Chateau Morgon was only just above the average in yesterday`s, but the dozen complimentary Roses were nice. If you enjoyed the Tesco Sad Meals we would happily give them a...
  14. R

    Atheists, let's pretend that our government insisted that we declare a...

    Emigration. Indonesia is alright, very nice people, poor, but OK.
  15. R

    Should Christians pray for the people in Japan?

    Prayer is known not to work, but, if it makes you feel better, please do. Almost all Japanese are atheists with Buddhist and Shinto traditions. @ Fireball (Happy Birthday dear) What the flaming hell have the Japanese people got to repent for?
  16. R

    True or False, Jesus Christ does not exist?

    There has never been any evidence that would suggest that Jesus was a real person.