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  1. H

    For those of you who broke away from religion, how difficult was it to do...

    It was hard for me. I fervently wanted to believe. But I couldn't be intellectually dishonest with myself anymore. The worst person to lie to is yourself, you know. For me, what was hardest is that my friends weren't asking the questions that I was asking. They had no problems with the...
  2. H

    The return of: "If the Bible is fake than why has most of its prophecies

    If someone wants to use evidence to prove something, thats fine, but it better stand up to the basic standards for evidence. Calling something faith is all well and good, but if I then ask what the basis for faith is, don't take that as an attack.
  3. H

    Was Jesus Christ a virgin?

    I can't believe the number of people here who believe that sex is a sin!!! OMG!! What is wrong with you kids? Sex is natural and biologically necessary for the propagation of the species. If he existed, if he didn't, would it really matter if he ever got a little action? Would your faith...
  4. H

    Why exactly do schools ban PDA? Do you think it's far or unfair?

    Its fair. You aren't going to school to hook up, you are going to learn. PDA is disruptive to the learning process. Blame the restriction on the kids that came before you, who took it too far. They're the ones that made the outright ban necessary.
  5. H

    Are atheists so focused upon overturning religion that they risk

    We wouldn't throw out the babby. We'd save him for the barbecue.
  6. H

    I was on the freeway on my harley when my halter loosened, exposing my breasts.

    Well since this is a lie, it doesn't matter what I answer. But sure, you have a case. *cough*
  7. H

    My internet service provider doesn't own the internet, so why do I have to pay

    them so much to access it? Is there another better way to get online?
  8. H

    Is religion a crutch?

    Is it the only way some people have of dealing with hard truths? Why or why not? Army Ranger - I'm not sure what happiness has to do with this question. Ignorance is bliss, right? Hard truths= death, pain, loss, etc.
  9. H

    How would you explain religion................?

    To aliens, if they have no such concept, and think the idea is proof of mental illness? Just a hypothetical, I know there are a lot of variables including the feasibility of aliens even coming here, being able to communicate, blah, blah, blah.... I just wonder what you would say to share...
  10. H

    If someone believes strongly in a religion..........?

    how much should they commit themselves to their faith?
  11. H

    My DVD player freezes and makes a grinding noise........?

    Is it fixable? Or is it toast??
  12. H

    Are there religions who's members are more defensive of their beliefs than others?

    Which ones are the most defensive?
  13. H

    In which sci-fi movie did the male and female soldiers shower together?

    Alien 2? No wait, thats not right................. Starship Troopers??