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  1. T

    Would you read my book?

    i wouldnt but someone out there would
  2. T

    Can someone describe Judaism to me?

    they have these buildings they are called libraries and they have books on every subject imaginable if your too lazy to go there use wikipedia or google
  3. T

    Atheism is a religion without a God?

    atheism is not a religion
  4. T

    Was Judaism the first religion created or made?

    nope hinduism is older than that so is animism
  5. T

    What religion is this where there's a belief in just One God and teaches to worship

    zoroastrianism judaism atenism christianity mormonism islam bahaism take your pick of the following they all have that basic tennant
  6. T

    Which bible "prophecies" cannot fit into any of these categories?

    all biblical prophecies fit into the afore mentioned categories
  7. T

    Is this prophecy vauge?

    all prophecies are vague
  8. T

    Good ways to share the birth of Christ?

    bake some jesus shaped cookies and pass them out
  9. T

    Are u related to anyone famous ?

    supposedly my fathers mothers cousin is the band leader glen miller he was big in the 30s and 40s
  10. T

    Why would a Christian convert to Judaism?

    cause they like passover
  11. T

    Can you tell the future?

    yes one day in the next few months its going to snow
  12. T

    Can you tell the future?

    yes one day in the next few months its going to snow
  13. T

    Why didn't peace prevail after Christ?

    cause jesus never existed
  14. T

    Do you think Oprah is the Anti-Christ? She endorsed Dr Phil and Deepak Chopra

    she is just a self aggrandizing fraud
  15. T

    is laughing and smiling at a guy considered flirting ramdan?

    no its not what if the guy is a professional comedian and he tells you a joke?