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  1. meenas

    Atheists, should I get a Hyundai or a Ford ?

    hyundai is better. today obama has said GM & Ford is about to be closed.
  2. meenas

    Why spread a religion you know is a lie?

    Humans have the unique feature to think and then act. Intelligence of men is boon as long as it is used properly. The same can become a problem like HIV, Nuclear Bombs, Terrorism, Climatic Effect etc. This feature should be governed by some universal laws which is called religion. Man is losing...
  3. meenas

    What "religion" am I?

    compare the world popular religions and choose the correct one . u can use the website
  4. meenas

    Science in its infancy? Religion's future? - Humanity in the balance?

    Religion is based on Faith in "Unseen". Today's science also based on the same "Faith in Unseen" Infinity in Maths, Light years in Astronomy, Photons in physics etc are fundamentals of today's science are mere faiths. So science has to be a subset of religion. may be u will not name it that way.